Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

You're not really an honest broker are you, the very first one I checked you cherry picked the conclusion and left out the wider context, which was this;
'CONCLUSIONS Most included trials had poor design, reporting and sparse events. There was insufficient evidence to provide a recommendation on the use of facial barriers without other measures. We found insufficient evidence for a difference between surgical masks and N95 respirators and limited evidence to support effectiveness of quarantine.'

I don't need to trawl through the rest to know I'll see this obfuscation by you repeated do I. If you're going to debate, try and be honest about it, otherwise it's pointless.
that does not back up your claim “masks are a waste of time”

all it says is the trials had poor design, but then it’s surprising given that study was from 2020.

the later studies I linked from confirm masks are effective.
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Did you type that with a straight face? at what cycle threshold? and just for clarity, is this the PCR test that was 'peer reviewed' in less than 24hrs? a new world record which will never be beaten.
The PCR test is highly accurate at identifying covid.

more recent multi assay tests are quicker and as the name implies test for other viruses.
No, it doesn't say the exact opposite, it points out that the studies you and others cite are worthless, it's a caveat at the end to cover their own backsides, and it specifically cites 'when mandated', so not exactly a glowing endorsement is it.
Like all conspiracists your debating is full of endless logical fallacies, misinformation, whataboutery etc etc.

why don’t you just save us all some time and tell what your previous user name was on here, so we don’t to keep repeating the same old garbage.
No, it doesn't say the exact opposite, it points out that the studies you and others cite are worthless, it's a caveat at the end to cover their own backsides, and it specifically cites 'when mandated', so not exactly a glowing endorsement is it.

Nutter alert, as Notch7 says what is your previous username.
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I gave you 30 studies, I could also list more historical studies, they all point to the same conclusion, your inability to apply logic is quite staggering.
Please do not lie.
Please avoid ad hominems they merely highlight your lack of a counter argument.

those 30 studies do not point to the same conclusion.

in fact most of them arent even about covid.

but this study shows masks work

Sept. 7, 2021 -- A large, real-world test of face masksin Bangladesh shows that masks reduce community spread of COVID-19. It also shows that surgical masks are more effective than cloth face coverings

You didn't answer my question, at what cycle threshold? and tell me, how do you identify a virus that has never been truly isolated? as no virus ever has. By isolation I mean a distinct individual thing, not a soup of various amino acids mixed in with other detritus.
Oh dear more conspiracist nonsense.

the full genome sequence of the covid virus has been written

of course it’s been isolated

you are repeating all the classic conspiracist nonsense, all of which I’ve heard and de bunked before
You didn't answer my question, at what cycle threshold? and tell me, how do you identify a virus that has never been truly isolated? as no virus ever has. By isolation I mean a distinct individual thing, not a soup of various amino acids mixed in with other detritus.
What is your previous user name.
'I'm going to repeat back to you exactly what you said to me, and I'll polish that turd by destroying your 30 listed studies with my definitive list of one!'

Genius :LOL:
You haven’t provided 30 studies

about 5 are relevant and of those they come to no clear conclusion or support the efficacy of masks.
No virus has ever met Koch's postulates, it's been proved in court, try again. I'm open to the suggestion that you don't understand what the real definition of 'isolated' means, obviously.
Koch postulates :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Koch postulates were made obsolete even when he was alive.

it hasn’t been proven in court….that was thrown out.

do you know what genome sequencing is….it’s a tad more advanced than old Koch.

please go and peddle your sh1t elsewhere
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