Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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. The amusing thing for me is how the most brainwashed

You are a conspiracy theorist

You believe that you are privy to special information that everybody doesn’t have.

but you don’t….you just think you do.

and here is the reason: “grandiose narcissism is linked to conspiracist ideation because of a need for uniqueness”

in short you are a narcissist / borderline personality disorder

I would concentrate on understanding how bad any Government is for your health first
You writing words does not make something true. You have failed miserably at backing up any claims you have made so far.

Your post are righteous and condescending, but that doesn't pay the bills.
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they just haven't given you the answer you're looking
same old MO of a conspiracy theorist.

your whole argument is constructed on “my information source is right and yours is wrong”

but the links you post go to disinformation sites

most of your arguments are built on taking an element of truth to seem plausible but the arguments are false.
I think I'm going to call you Zebra from now on, everything is black and white with you, are you familiar with the word 'nuance'?
morale in the NHS has been low for many years

pay is way lower than private sector

FA to do with vaccines.

you lose…,again :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
And there it is 'I'm claiming victory in order to convince myself it was so!', classic stuff, I never saw that coming.
You have spent the last few hours posting one classic covid conspiracy after another.

and you’ve lost every single argument…..sorry chum, we’ve seen the false claims and dishonesty too often.
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