Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

They used the Government's own data
Do you believe government data?

*Warning* You are new here. Not one antivaxxer sheeple has ever answered this because of the implications. Think carefully...
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Do you believe government data?

*Warning* You are new here. Not one antivaxxer sheeple has ever answered this because of the implications. Think carefully.
What implications? Grow up.
I did . I made it perfectly clear that I think the government data is complete boll@x.
for the record , the government made it perfectly clear that they think their ‘data’ is complete boll@x too.
So stop lying.
Anyone who believes the ‘data’ they’ve been fed over the last 2 years , with regards to the government wanting to save lives , is quite frankly beyond saving.
You saying so doesn't make it true. Post up some evi...ah never mind.
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