Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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When did the Government ever classify someone as dying of a mild respiratory illness because they failed a test with 28 days of death
puerile strawman

when did the government last deal with a global pandemic
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You mean the decades long established theory of natural herd immunity is true? say it ain't so...
False argument

illnesses with significant levels of hospitalisation require vaccine acquired immunity for protection.
especially with a novel virus where there are no effective therapeutics

you really are FOS
This was only a 'pandemic' because the WHO changed the definition of what a 'pandemic' is, this was nothing worse than seasonal flu dressed up as a pandemic, all cause mortality proves it.

another strawman

it doesn’t matter what it’s called

the data show it was far worse than flu

have you visited a covid ward? Do you know how f****ing bad covid is
Ok, a quick quiz for you then

When did the Government ever classify someone as dying of a mild respiratory illness because they failed a test with 28 days of death?
When did the Government ever use a junk test incapable of identifying an illness by running it over the correct CT?
When did the Government gaslight you constantly through the media 24/7 trying to terrify you over a mild respiratory illness?
When did the Government assemble a nudge team in order to coerce you into certain behaviours over a mild respiratory illness?

etc etc etc. I could go on and on and on, but you're incapable of rational thought.
All false because it’s not a mild illness
I don’t know if it’s all hospItals, but as of 1st June 2022, it is no longer compulsory to wear a mask, even in critical care wards, you only have my word, but I was there on Saturday.
Mrs Mottie was told last week that from this Monday, they no longer have to wear masks in the office (she works in a hospital).
Mrs Mottie was told last week that from this Monday, they no longer have to wear masks in the office (she works in a hospital).
Yes I heard that.

I still had to wear a mask at the dentist on Monday
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