Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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It clearly states it does, why don't you ask them, you know, do some actual thinking for yourself, instead of being spoonfed by the BBC, off you go.
it might state it does -but it is a well known site that spreads lies
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Which obviously you're going to prove by extracting the data and disproving what they said by producing your own dataset....oh wait...
I dont need to

just because you have linked to the ONS doesnt prove expose-news based their sh1t on ONS data or whether they used it and misinterpreted it

its just another strawman argument from you

conspiract theorists like you are just and endless stream of logical fallacies
You claim it is wrong, feel free to prove it, maybe use one of your hilarious 'factcheckers', or you could easily download the spreadsheet and do your own analysis, if you had a brain obviously, I'm still waiting, crack on....
you are the one that claimed its based on ONS data

you need to provide that proof

and its a site spouting garbage for fools like you

Hey notchy

Have you come up with a 'suitable' reply to...

"So do you believe what you are being told that infections are rising? Yes or no?
Do you believe that masks help prevent transmission? Yes or no?
If you answer yes to both, then will you be wearing a mask at all times? Yes or no?"

I realise it may be a tad tricky to think of something that fits in with your argument whilst avoiding hypocrisy, but come on...

You can at least give it a go ;)

Or are you shadow boxing with yourself?
Hey notchy

Have you come up with a 'suitable' reply to...

"So do you believe what you are being told that infections are rising? Yes or no?
Do you believe that masks help prevent transmission? Yes or no?
If you answer yes to both, then will you be wearing a mask at all times? Yes or no?"

I realise it may be a tad tricky to think of something that fits in with your argument whilst avoiding hypocrisy, but come on...

You can at least give it a go ;)

Or are you shadow boxing with yourself?
false choice logical fallacy

masks were mandated when we werent fully vaccinated and or when the infection rate was high
currently hospitalisations are very low due to our high level of vaccination
and the covid variant is mild

here is thought for you: low risk means mask wearing not so important
Define 'fully vaccinated'...

Is it in your opinion the general population?

Or individuals having every jab and boosters available?

And define 'low risk'...

Infections are apparently on the rise, but you decline to answer whether you believe that to be true or not...

What is your 'informed' analysis of the infection to death rate figures that leads you to believe that the 'lower mask wearing threshold' has been reached?

And what infection to death rate figure would lead you to call for mask wearing to be re-introduced?

PS. Claiming 'false choice logical fallacy' merely points out that you know sod all about what you are spouting, and is a pathetic response to not having the ability to answer relevant questions!

more false claims

it is hospitalisation rate that counts

death rate is not a useful metric
So the mortality rate has nothing to with how any particular disease is dealt with?

You truly have lost the plot!

Still no answers to those very simple questions...

I wonder why? :rolleyes:
I didnt say that

I said it was not a useful metric

death rate and mortality rates are very difficult to extrapolate.

however hospitalisation rates are very quick and are directly linked to the prevalence of a disease.

the answer to your question is very simple: the decision on whether masks are important as a NPI to restrict community transmission are decided on:

type of variant
level of community infection rates
hospitalisation rates

If there is a concern, then govt can intordruce NPIs as needed including mask mandates
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