Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

So all cause mortality by year isn't a useful metric when trying to determine whether you had an actual 'epidemic' of a 'deadly disease', compared to other years? Is that seriously what you're saying?
another strawman

Ellal is talking about the decision making process of NPIs, namely mask wearing

all cause mortality is useless for that

by the way, excess mortality increased significantly during the pandemic -gosh covid killed loads of people.....which knocks your rancid hogwash out of the water
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Reuters 'factcheck' , is that the same Reuters who all your favourite propaganda sources use, whose former CEO and current board member, James Smith, is on the board of Pfizer? or a different one?
there are 4 articles I linked.
So you think the ONS isn't a credible source, and you can't prove them wrong because you can't use spreadsheets, oki doki....
If you dont think the ONS is a credible source then you dont believe you expose-news article

make your mind up :ROFLMAO:
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No, lets look at the last 10 years, crack on Mr no-evidence.

oh dear, you lose :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Well I gave you a task, I specifically said the last 10 years, and you failed, so not really, see if you can actually complete this simple task.
Thank you for confirming covid caused considerable increase in excess mortality.

I am pleased you have admitted you are wrong
You're a tiresome imbecile, completely dishonest and incapable of sensible debate, go eat your pizza, top tip, take it out of the box first.
I am sure if you had data which proved there was no excess mortality for the last decade, you would have posted it by now

but you havent

thank you for admitting your are wrong
Do please share, otherwise it just looks like obfuscation on your part, go for it.
Obfuscation on my part? You asked me an unreasonable question, then moan that I don't answer?!

I could share some links, but I know you will ignore them. What is the point in me saying anything to you, nothing will change your mind.
My question was this;

'Can you give me the data that proves any vaccine has ever worked? That is to say, a controlled study against a control group of unvaccinated people over a sustained time period comparing health outcomes. I know the answer, but lets see if you do, ready when you are.'

You claimed you had the evidence but I wouldn't understand it, so basically dodged the question. You're a vaxfan, so what evidence is that based on? if you can't provide any evidence it's because you've never actually investigated the history of vaccines. I have, and it's definitely not what you believe, but feel free to prove me wrong with your 'evidence'.

I know what you asked. You are asking me to provide a pile of medical research - I have better things to do.

Sorry if you didn't spot that I was taking the ****. Seems a few people on this forum need to go back to sarcasm school.

"You're a vaxfan" - If that means I am a fan of medicine, then yes. Medicine is good, it saves lives. I and many people I know would already be dead if it was not for medicine. Sorry you are too stupid to realise that medicine is not your enemy.

"you've never actually investigated the history of vaccines" - that is correct. I did study Health Sciences at university, but the History of Vaccines was not a subject I opted for. However, we have what is called "living evidence" that vaccines work. Fewer people die of diseases since vaccines were developed. If you don't see this, and need somebody to show you "evidence", then really, there is no hope for you at all.
My question was this;

'Can you give me the data that proves any vaccine has ever worked? That is to say, a controlled study against a control group of unvaccinated people over a sustained time period comparing health outcomes. I know the answer, but lets see if you do, ready when you are.'
nobody has to answer your conspiracy theory nonsense, especially false choice questions

if you are talking about covid pandemic then it was an emergency situation, so there wont be a long term, sustained control group -hence the false question

if you want to make a claim and back it up with evidence, go right ahead.
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