Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Oh really, so you didn't have the intelligence to look for the post with the link I posted previously? obviously no surprise there.
Here's another one for you, oh look, it corresponds with the trend on the previous graph, it's almost as if there is a correlation...

View attachment 272229

This is what's commonly known as a 'link', which I've already posted before, but you knew that obviously. You'd better get your excuses and bs ready.

yeah that graph show cases corresponding with covid peaks

it doesnt support your arugment

oh and by the way the number of cases is not a metric that show vaccinations arent successful...go away and get a graph that shows hospitalisation rates

oh and number of cases proves nothing -because it depends on level of testing, you need to provide % of positive results instead
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Oh really, so you didn't have the intelligence to look for the post with the link I posted previously?

the previous bolox graph one didnt have a link

Please provide one....oh thats right you cant because it was made up sh1t :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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I see, so the most vaccinated countries prove how successful the 'vaccine' is by how having a rapid growth in cases corresponding with their increased 'vaccination' status, and obviously increased cases means lower sickness :LOL:
pathetic strawman and simply untrue

number of active cases proves nothing

hospitalisation rates is what counts
because most of us are vaccinated and the risk of hospitalisation is low

and the current variant is mild

back to the drawing board for conspiracist Ellal
Note to self...

The notion that a person can think for themselves is now considered a conspiracy according to some :rolleyes:

So do you believe what you are being told that infections are rising? Yes or no?
Do you believe that masks help prevent transmission? Yes or no?

If you answer yes to both, then will you be wearing a mask at all times? Yes or no?

It matters not what the severity of the infection may be, when we are also told that there will be a worse 'variant' probably coming in the near future!

Every year many people die of flu.

Which logically suggests that masks (if they are so beneficial regarding covid) should be worn as a precautionary measure for another potentially fatal disease!

Of course if there is also no transmission of other harmless but vital immune boosting bugs, then the seeds of a devastating wave will have been sown!
oh dear, facts must be upsetting to anti vaxxers

oh look, hospitalisations are far lower since vaccinations

fill yer boots you anti jabber fools



So why did you bother testing then? with a junk test that's deliberately designed to fail at the slightest sign of viral debris, because you're dumb, that's why.
opinion stated as fact

covid tests are accurate

anyway if you think they dont work, then why are you are using data based on covid tests :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
They all come from the same place :ROFLMAO:
finally we got there, well done

oh look:

Total Cases = reported total cumulative count of detected and laboratory (and sometimes, depending on the country reporting them and the criteria adopted at the time, also clinically

Because it represents a cumulative count (rather than a snapshot of the number of current cases at any given time), this number can't decrease.

so you are making a dishonest interpretation of the graph, as I said ages ago

thank you for admitting you are WRONG
Oh look, there's an elephant in the room, according to ONS data..who knew...

View attachment 272232
unreliable source

fill yer boots Old Bean

A Logically investigation can reveal that Jonathan Allen-Walker of Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire is behind the conspiracy news site, The Daily Expose.
The Daily Expose is a U.K.-focused conspiracy site created in November of last year, and since its establishment, it has promoted a standard portfolio of COVID-denialist, anti-vaxxer, and Great Reset myths framed as breaking news. It has grown to be extremely influential in the alt-news ecosystem, with its articles getting thousands of shares per day on Telegram, Twitter, and other private chat channels.
The source data is from the ONS, it's quite hard to lie about mortality, but I agree, the ONS, being a Government agency are definitely 'creative' with the truth.

it does not come from the ONS

if you think it does, provide the source data
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