Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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All those things are demonstrably true

every one of these is a well known conspiracy theory pushed by idiots like you

every one has been thoroughly debunked

covid is only mild
covid no worse than flu
masks don’t work
PCR test doesn’t work
vaccine is gene therapy
WHO changed definition of vaccine to allow vaccine development
covid has never been isolated
Kochs postulates

Please go and get help, you have a personality disorder.
'I don't understand what a trend or case rates are', genius. So on your planet a receding 'pandemic' is indicated by increasing case rates? That's truly genius logic.
Portugal daily new cases

oh look, its not going up like you claimed

what a shame you are wrong

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'I don't understand what the word 'cumulative' means', spoiler alert, a synonym for cumulative is 'total', so daily total or monthly total, l wonder which one is more significant when assessing a trend? Well that's a tough one...

look at the graph, its cumulative, which is why it goes up -because its the total from the beginning

it doesnt prove your argument one iota

please post the link so we can see where this graph comes from and what it actually relates to

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'cumulative' means', spoiler alert, a synonym for cumulative is 'total', so daily total or monthly total
thank you for confirming what I said:

you dont understand the meaning of cumulative, it does not mean total
A cumulative shows a running total, otherwise it would serve no purpose, the trend is upwards, curving steeply upwards in fact, have another try.


oh dear, I really have to explain this in simple simple language for you

cumulative: increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions

in your graph each successive month has the total added from the previous month -so of course it goes up

cumulative graphs do not show trends
The total cases is by month, this really shouldn't be difficult for anyone with a functioning brain cell, you couldn't create a graph showing a trend otherwise, I've already posted the link previously. It's literally a trend graph! The totals/cumulative is BY MONTH.
where did you get the graph from

please provide the link

then we can see what bolox you are spreading :ROFLMAO:
Where does it appear that masks are now not helpful in reducing community transmission?
Well if they are helpful, then why is the requirement to wear them being dropped with infections apparently on the rise?

Not exactly logical thinking is it!

And yes, if told to she would wear one again. It’s not to protect herself, it’s to protect idiots such as yourself because unlike you, she does think of others.
Only when told to then...

But if masks do work, then since she 'thinks of others' why not carry on wearing one by choice?

Ah, but thinking FOR yourself (as well as others) appears to be classed by you as being idiotic :rolleyes:

What is without doubt idiotic (along with criminal and corrupt) is for us to be paying millions a week to store billions of pounds worth of PPE (including masks) which are literally going to go up in smoke!
Well if they are helpful, then why is the requirement to wear them being dropped?
because most of us are vaccinated and the risk of hospitalisation is low

and the current variant is mild

back to the drawing board for conspiracist Ellal
please post the link so we can see where this graph comes from and what it actually relates to
what a surprise absquatulate is too scared to privide a link to his dishonest graphs

typical conspiracist (y)(y)
But if masks do work, then since she 'thinks of others' why not carry on wearing one by choice?
Because the infections are naturally getting weaker. Yes, infections may be on the rise but hospitalisations and deaths are nowhere near what they were. We have to learn to live with it. You and the rest of the vaccination cowards can rest easy, travel, go to pubs and clubs because the majority of us have protected you. Did your 'doctor' sons not wear masks at work?
because most of us are vaccinated and the risk of hospitalisation is low

and the current variant is mild

back to the drawing board for conspiracist Ellal
Snap! At least there are some things we agree on!
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