May 23rd.

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Then it will be up to the EU to erect a border if they want one.
They will have to have one, as they will want to keep illegal goods out of their terrotory, just like all countries do.

As for detecting foreigners, there are already border checks which work effectively.
How do they work if the border exists only as a line on a map?

Why would a Latvian want to enter the UK illegally anyway, they won't be able to get a N.I. number or access the benefits system without proving entitlement.
Of course.

Now that you say that, that explains why there are currently no illegal immigrants here.
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The elephant in the room is the Irish Republic which has behaved very irresponsibley in this whole matter.
What have they done which is "irresponsible"?

As the Republic is in the British Isles then any border should between Europe and the British Isles as a whole ,this would make things run a lot smoother in regards to trade and keeping illegals out.
But equally the British Isles are in Europe, so how could there be a border?
The vote was an expression of wish in terms of our strategic direction. Had we voted remain, the "problem" of 15bn a year being lost, unrestricted immigration, loss of control etc. etc would be down the remainers to fix?
I was talking about the problems created by the vote to leave, not the imaginary frothings you listed there.
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Voting leave created no problems - triggering article 50 without a plan might have. Just as refusing to discuss terms in advance caused problems or refusing to discuss the future without payment for a divorce bill did.

There is blame on all sides for the brexit problems. Voters simply expressed a desired outcome.
Voting leave created no problems - triggering article 50 without a plan might have. Just as refusing to discuss terms in advance caused problems or refusing to discuss the future without payment for a divorce bill did.
None of those problems would have arisen had people not voted to leave. People voted to leave without considering those aspects and implications of leaving - it cannot be the fault of those who did not vote to leave that those who did f***ed up.

There is blame on all sides for the brexit problems.

Voters simply expressed a desired outcome.
So why are so many of them unhappy with the outcome? They voted for it.
I don't live in a country that has unrestricted immigration. What country are you living in? It's an imaginary one, isn't it.

yes, people keep making false statements and then don't like them being pointed out.

The UK doesn't have unlimited immigration.

So it's a false statement intended to whip up resentment from credulous and ignorant people who don't like foreigners.

Motorbiking knows it isn't true but he repeats it anyway.
A would-be immigrant has to apply for permission. It is not an automatic right. So immigration is not unrestricted.

You'll recall that under Theresa's anti-foreigner policies, numbers of the Windrush generation have been thrown out, even though they have the right to remain. And EU citizens, working here for years, married and with children here, have been told to pack their bags. Nothing "unrestricted" about that.
About the same as the number of jobs available.

So you don't actually know if there is one and if there is, what it is.

If that's what you're sticking with, I'll help you out. There isn't a cap as job openings are about 2:1 against immigration ongoing.

You might want to let JD known that in terms of number of immigrants it's currently unrestricted.

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