Merkel. .........the rise of the far right thanks to her idiocy

Have you noticed the BBC and media spin though..anyone who disagrees with their left wing agenda is labelled as "far right" these days!

As said- Doesn't agree with left ="far right".

Have you just made that up or do have a whiff of evidence to support it?

You by the sound of it. Be proud of it as well. :D

Thanks Kankerot for providing the evidence for Noseall and proving my point. Because I disagreed with your left wing views, you have labelled me as far right. Point made! Thanks.
... Your beloved Labour party is quietly becoming a hard left socialist/communist party.
I do not think there is anything quite about it. Corbyn has been saying it for a while now.
He has moved the party left of center. Blair was a right of center politician.
The Afd is clearly a protest vote against mass third world immigration and EU federalisation, so if you hold those views are you now one of the “far right”?
When it was an anti-EU party it failed miserably to garner any support.
Only since it has stirred up anti-immigration propaganda is it receiving support.
It, like UKIP, stirs up anti-immigration feelings by telling lies.
Any one who questions immigration is labelled a racist , RWR , extremist ect ect

The left wing mob in the UK have used the racist label to stifle freedom of speech & democracy in this country for far to long

U notice these very same people (in here) will and do defend nasty , vile regimes that deny woman the right to vote , a right to education
and general decency

(JD/ Way har bee ) ;);)
**** end has been using glue again. Someone tell his boss that he is not responsible for his actions when he has been sniffing using glue.
Actually, second thoughts, he cannot be held responsible for his actions because he is retarded. He told us so.
I agree.
It's not "far right" extremists who are murdering our children at concerts or running people down on our streets. So it's not the far right we need to be worried about.
They do approach people from behind and stab them in the neck, or assault women, or shoot dead politicians, etc, etc.
When it was an anti-EU party it failed miserably to garner any support.
Only since it has stirred up anti-immigration propaganda is it receiving support.
It, like UKIP, stirs up anti-immigration feelings by telling lies.

You mean only since Germany's great leader opened up Europe's doors to mass unlimited immigration. This is Germany saying enough is enough.
Yup, Hammond and May in particular. I'm disgusted with them at the minute. Interesting how Tusk has decided that "not yet sufficient progress in Brext talks to discuss trade". Looks like they're are pushing for a higher figure that the 20bn May's offering, and I wonder if that's because of the reports that she's prepared to go as high 40bn. talk about giving away your negotiating position before you need to, but I suppose that that's what lots of people wanted from her in the first place.
As I have mentioned before, the 'bill' is not the most difficult part of the three aspects that are needed to be negotiated before the talks can progress.
The most difficult, demanding and far-reaching aspect is the NI/Ireland border.
A rumour spread by Wikipedia also it would appear....
"The National Socialist German Workers' Party(German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party"
You failed to quote the important bit:
was a far-right political party in Germany
If I call myself "the official statistics" source, it does not mean that my data is any more accurate than anyone else's.
A rumour spread by Wikipedia also it would appear...

You should have read the article you link.

"The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a far-right political party in Germany that was active between 1920 and 1945 and practised the ideology of Nazism. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920."

I think you were tricked (as was the intention) by the use of misleading words in the name. No doubt you think that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is democratic.

Maybe you thought that the People's Republic of Mozambique was run by the people, like the People's Republic of China.
You mean only since Germany's great leader opened up Europe's doors to mass unlimited immigration. This is Germany saying enough is enough.
No it is not. It is the party misrepresenting reality, just like UKIP pictures of queues of migrants. Remember the one: