Merkel. .........the rise of the far right thanks to her idiocy

I was originally talking about the notion of Right wing labelling anyone who disagrees with their agenda as 'far' left, rather than left of centre. This creates an illusion of far left extremism therefore vilifying anyone whose views differ from those of the right.
I said you appeared to have left wing views I didn't say you were a left wing extremist and that in my opinion is the difference.

You see. Not very helpful. These so called degrees of leftism or rightism.

So onto policies. What are the ones you agree with or disgaree with?

Here's another one. I want more tax transparency - with closer working with other countries and to penalise tax havens. Are you for or against this?
I was originally talking about the notion of left wing labelling anyone who disagrees with their agenda as 'far' right, rather than right of centre. This creates an illusion of far right extremism therefore vilifying anyone whose views differ from those of the left.
I said you appeared to have left wing views I didn't say you were a left wing extremist and that in my opinion is the difference.
As Corbyn said today at conference, the middle ground is not static, therefore when the middle ground drifts to the left, those right wing parties become the far-right parties.
The left-leaning parties become the middle ground and the far-left become the left-wing parties.
Irony calling me left wing. Then complaining about people labelling others. You quite brilliantly proved my point.

But I am open for debate - what shall we discuss?

Immigration? I am all for controlled immigration not what we have at the moment.

Now over to you.

OK . so u are all for controlled immigration , meaning what ? put a number on it /how many ?

I will start u off . 100 per year
As Corbyn said today at conference, the middle ground is not static, therefore when the middle ground drifts to the left, those right wing parties become the far-right parties.
The left-leaning parties become the middle ground and the far-left become the left-wing parties.

Prefer all night parties myself! :D
OK . so u are all for controlled immigration , meaning what ? put a number on it /how many ?

I will start u off . 100 per year
If that is .1 per year, that will be one immigrant every ten years.
Or maybe half an immigrant every five years. :ROFLMAO:
You are a real plonker some times, **** end. :rolleyes:
OK . so u are all for controlled immigration , meaning what ? put a number on it /how many ?

I will start u off . 100 per year
Do you run a company that recruits people of varying nationalities? If not, I'd start by asking some of those companies that are reliant on such workers.
Do you run a company that recruits people of varying nationalities? If not, I'd start by asking some of those companies that are reliant on such workers.

reliant on "cheap" labour may be ??

No we do not recruit people of varying nationalities (do u ?)
As Corbyn said today at conference, the middle ground is not static, therefore when the middle ground drifts to the left, those right wing parties become the far-right parties.
The left-leaning parties become the middle ground and the far-left become the left-wing parties.

and what a load of complete twaddle Jeremy speaks.

The zero on the dial stays in the same place. We then either have governments that are left of centre or right of centre.

The centre is always the centre.

He is trying to gloss over the fact that he and his close followers are hard left, so the young gullible voters he has bought with promises he cant deliver, dont realise what they are buying into.
and what a load of complete twaddle Jeremy speaks.

The zero on the dial stays in the same place. We then either have governments that are left of centre or right of centre.

The centre is always the centre.

He is trying to gloss over the fact that he and his close followers are hard left, so the young gullible voters he has bought with promises he cant deliver, dont realise what they are buying into.
That is twaddle!
The zero on an instrument is entirely different to the mood of the electorate. To compare them is like trying measure emotion with a speedometer.
Hard-line policies of either party will swing some, maybe the majority of the electorate, further towards opposition, thereby moving the center ground of politics.
If the center ground was static, as in zero on an instrument, we would always have the same center policy government, time after time, after time.
We do not, proof enough that the mood of the electorate swings this way and that.

Experiments have even proven that the mood of a group of people can be influenced, even as far as to accept an obvious untruth. I am not talking about UKIP or Brexit campaigns. I am talking about genuine experiments in social dynamics.
That is twaddle!
The zero on an instrument is entirely different to the mood of the electorate. To compare them is like trying measure emotion with a speedometer.
Hard-line policies of either party will swing some, maybe the majority of the electorate, further towards opposition, thereby moving the center ground of politics.
If the center ground was static, as in zero on an instrument, we would always have the same center policy government, time after time, after time.
We do not, proof enough that the mood of the electorate swings this way and that.

Experiments have even proven that the mood of a group of people can be influenced, even as far as to accept an obvious untruth. I am not talking about UKIP or Brexit campaigns. I am talking about genuine experiments in social dynamics.

Even more twaddle from you well done.

What has social dynamics got to do with it?

what has emotion got to do with it?

If the centre moves each time we have a new government, then that means every government since the year dot has been smack bang in the centre ground.

The reality is that the centre ground stays the same and the electorate chooses to elect either a left wing or right wing party.

It may be true that the electorate decide that they wish to vote in a left wing or right wing party as that is the majority wish at the time of voting.

Jeremy Corbyn has used his soap box rhetoric to cloud the fact that his core ideology is hard left. As evidenced by having John Mcdonnell and Seamus Milne close to him. (the marxist and the commie).

Jermey Corbyn is using all this touchy feely, gentler style of politics to put a sugar coating on his hard left, state intervention, anti establishment core values.
what has emotion got to do with it?
Well that's an interesting one.

What causes people to be followers of a comedian buffoon, who is a noted liar, even when they know he is talking nonsense and uses his famous buffoonery as an evasion technique, and even when he repeats the same lie that he used before, to the same people, even when they know he's lying to them?
OK . so u are all for controlled immigration , meaning what ? put a number on it /how many ?

I will start u off . 100 per year

You are a simpleton. Putting a number on it is pointless as that makes the target itself meaningless. You enforce strong rules having entry, exit controls, and a policy which is regularly reviewed.

But no free movement - if that makes your brain happy.