Merkel. .........the rise of the far right thanks to her idiocy

Exactly so if the nazis were socialist Jew haters then maybe the Labour Party should be redefined as far right extremists.
You are misrepresenting reality.
There were some anti-semitic comments made by a few abour MPs.
Shami Chakrabarti report acknowledges and accepts that.
But the leader, and the shadow cabinet have dealt with this transgressors, and taken steps to prevent any further occurrences.
So to claim that the labour party are right wing racist is a total fabrication.
No it is not. It is the party misrepresenting reality, just like UKIP pictures of queues of migrants. Remember the one:

Yes I remember. Please explain what was misleading about a poster showing fighting age men crossing into Europe in their thousands posing as 'refugees'?

Was it not misleading when we were shown pictures of so called 'child refugees' (with beards!) and told they were in danger-turns out it was a "child refugee" who left a bomb on the tube recently. Now who's in danger?
Yes I remember. Please explain what was misleading about a poster showing fighting age men crossing into Europe in their thousands posing as 'refugees'?

Was it not misleading when we were shown pictures of so called 'child refugees' (with beards!) and told they were in danger-turns out it was a "child refugee" who left a bomb on the tube recently. Now who's in danger?
Where was that picture taken?
Where are these pictures of child refugees with beards?
You are fantasising.

I will tell you where UKIP's picture came from:
Within hours, Twitter users had pointed out the image’s inadvertent similarity to Nazi propaganda footage of migrants shown in a BBC documentary from 2005......
..Ukip and Leave.EU, which have repeatedly been accused of stoking anti-immigrant feeling and using racist tropes.
I do not think there is anything quite about it. Corbyn has been saying it for a while now.
He has moved the party left of center. Blair was a right of center politician.

I thought Blairs centre ground politics made Labour electable.

Corbyn has certainly moved the party to the far left of centre. All the way to the 1970's
You are misrepresenting reality......

So to claim that the labour party are right wing racist is a total fabrication.

As is the claim that all of the AfD are right wing extremists just because of a few, or that all people who voted out of Europe are racist bigots.
As is the claim that all of the AfD are right wing extremists just because of a few, or that all people who voted out of Europe are racist bigots.
The claim is that the party is far right.
It is a strawman argument to suggest that anyone is claiming that all the voters are right wing extremists, or racist bigots.
But of you feel the need to invent arguments to disguise your propaganda, feel free.
Just do not expect anyone to argue against your strawman arguments.
Thanks Kankerot for providing the evidence for Noseall and proving my point. Because I disagreed with your left wing views, you have labelled me as far right. Point made! Thanks.

Irony calling me left wing. Then complaining about people labelling others. You quite brilliantly proved my point.

But I am open for debate - what shall we discuss?

Immigration? I am all for controlled immigration not what we have at the moment.

Now over to you.
I was originally talking about the notion of left wing labelling anyone who disagrees with their agenda as 'far' right, rather than right of centre. This creates an illusion of far right extremism therefore vilifying anyone whose views differ from those of the left.
I said you appeared to have left wing views I didn't say you were a left wing extremist and that in my opinion is the difference.