My knowledge of pre-sixties history is a bit vague but I think that, some time in the past, British soldiers died trying to protect Palestinians from Zionist scum. OK, we failed, but we tried.
And how did the ungrateful little sh*ts repay us? They blew up our aeroplanes, that's how!

Back in the seventies, if anybody uttered the word "Palestinian", you could be fairly sure that "nuke the b*st*ards" would soon follow; just like this --
lifesagasman said:
not unless someone Nukes 'em all...
You're not alone there.
Somewhere along the line, the PLO must have worked out that killing anybody, anywhere for a laugh was not a viable way of getting the rest of the world on their side - but the damage was done and all Palestinians were tarred with the same brush.

I suggest Israel has only been allowed to get away with so many atrocities because the PLO were many times worse.
The turning point for me was the invasion of Lebanon. To compound the felony, they went through a UN demilitarized zone to do it.

We saw it happen on live TV. Now it was obvious that the handful of UN soldiers at the border had no chance of stopping the entire Israeli army but surely they had radios. What went wrong? Were there no aircraft carriers in the Eastern Med that day? That would be a first!
I once put this to a US marine and got a fudged reply along the lines of "But Uncle Sam needs a safe place to pull in."
joe-90 said:
The trouble is, then the USA would lose their nuclear base in the Middle East and the dominoes would start to fall and with them the oil fields.
That's another way of putting it and, unfortunately, it's true.
Sadly, the Palestinians have been the architects of a lot of their misery. Meanwhile, I don't trust the Israelis any further than I could throw the plutonium that BNFL mysteriously 'lost' back in the eighties. I don't suppose it would do much good to ask for it back!