Fun, undoubtedly it was more fun - risk often is fun. Witness the parachutists and bungee jumpers. Safety - that was another thing. But it was definitely more adult because in a lot of ways, as Harry said in his post, we were allowed to take our own choices and assess things ourselves. I'm all for H&S, especially in places like contruction where it was sorely needed. However, the purveyors of our hi-vis world don't know when to stop. We can become infantalised where all risk has to be signposted - then one day when some serious risk comes along that no one expected we don't see it until it's too late - because we were expecting a warning sticker on it. When you get coffee cups with "caution - contents may be hot" on them that's too far.
My previous post was a case in point. When I searched for the video on Youtube - because I searched it by the title of the song, YT wanted to redirect me to The Samaitans.

I kid you not. Try it!