monkey pox all of a sudden

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
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You and people like you are a disgrace to your ancestors . The people who fought and died for the freedoms you fail to value. The people like you who bury your heads in the sand , bow down and ingest the propaganda you are fed like your very existence depends on it. The propaganda fed to you by the most corrupt, evil criminals in society who masquerade as your elected leaders and saviours. One day you will awaken to the fact that your entire existence was based on the lies and fear instilled in you. Your child like naivety makes me me want to vomit in my own mouth.

Get off your high horse. The vaccinated have let you live your life as normal again. You're welcome.
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You and people like you are a disgrace to your ancestors . The people who fought and died for the freedoms you fail to value. The people like you who bury your heads in the sand , bow down and ingest the propaganda you are fed like your very existence depends on it. The propaganda fed to you by the most corrupt, evil criminals in society who masquerade as your elected leaders and saviours. One day you will awaken to the fact that your entire existence was based on the lies and fear instilled in you. Your child like naivety makes me me want to vomit in my own mouth.
There is no cure for the brainpox you are suffering from.

the most obvious symptom is endless spouting of utter drivel
Monkeypox is a rare disease that is caused by infection with monkeypox virus.
Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in monkeys kept for research.

Also in the wild or due to how animals for that are kept and bred. As I understand it they are usually bred for that use but would depend what was being researched.

In 2003, monkeypox was recorded in the US when an outbreak occurred following importation of rodents from Africa. Cases were reported in both humans and pet prairie dogs. All the human infections followed contact with an infected pet and all patients recovered. No other country outside West and Central Africa has reported similar outbreaks.

Then some virologist dug out for he BBC. The Congo version is worse than the one that has been detected. No comments so far about sequencing but that is likely to have been done pretty quickly given recent experiences.

2003 Outbreak from Imported Mammals

In 2003, forty-seven confirmed and probable casesexternal icon of monkeypox were reported from six states—Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. All people infected with monkeypox in this outbreak became ill after having contact with pet prairie dogs. The pets were infected after being housed near imported small mammals from Ghana. This was the first time that human monkeypox was reported outside of Africa.

What caused the 2003 U.S. outbreak?​

Investigators determined that a shipment of animals from Ghana, imported to Texas in April 2003, introduced monkeypox virus into the United States. The shipment contained approximately 800 small mammals representing nine different species, including six types of rodents. These rodents included rope squirrels, tree squirrels, African giant pouched rats, brush-tailed porcupines, dormice, and striped mice. CDC laboratory testing showed that two African giant pouched rats, nine dormice, and three rope squirrels were infected with monkeypox virus. After importation into the United States, some of the infected animals were housed near prairie dogs at the facilities of an Illinois animal vendor. These prairie dogs were sold as pets before they developed signs of infection.
All people infected with monkeypox became ill after having contact with infected pet prairie dogs. A study conducted after the outbreak suggested that certain activities associated with animals were more likely to lead to monkeypox infection. These activities included touching a sick animal or receiving a bite or scratch that broke the skin. Another important factor was cleaning the cage or touching the bedding of a sick animal. No instances of monkeypox infection were attributed exclusively to person-to-person contact.

The USA study
Monkeypox is a rare disease that is caused by infection with monkeypox virus.
Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 when outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in monkeys kept for research.

Also in the wild or due to how animals for that are kept and bred. As I understand it they are usually bred for that use but would depend what was being researched.

In 2003, monkeypox was recorded in the US when an outbreak occurred following importation of rodents from Africa. Cases were reported in both humans and pet prairie dogs. All the human infections followed contact with an infected pet and all patients recovered. No other country outside West and Central Africa has reported similar outbreaks.

Then some virologist dug out for he BBC. The Congo version is worse than the one that has been detected. No comments so far about sequencing but that is likely to have been done pretty quickly given recent experiences.

2003 Outbreak from Imported Mammals

In 2003, forty-seven confirmed and probable casesexternal icon of monkeypox were reported from six states—Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. All people infected with monkeypox in this outbreak became ill after having contact with pet prairie dogs. The pets were infected after being housed near imported small mammals from Ghana. This was the first time that human monkeypox was reported outside of Africa.

What caused the 2003 U.S. outbreak?​

Investigators determined that a shipment of animals from Ghana, imported to Texas in April 2003, introduced monkeypox virus into the United States. The shipment contained approximately 800 small mammals representing nine different species, including six types of rodents. These rodents included rope squirrels, tree squirrels, African giant pouched rats, brush-tailed porcupines, dormice, and striped mice. CDC laboratory testing showed that two African giant pouched rats, nine dormice, and three rope squirrels were infected with monkeypox virus. After importation into the United States, some of the infected animals were housed near prairie dogs at the facilities of an Illinois animal vendor. These prairie dogs were sold as pets before they developed signs of infection.
All people infected with monkeypox became ill after having contact with infected pet prairie dogs. A study conducted after the outbreak suggested that certain activities associated with animals were more likely to lead to monkeypox infection. These activities included touching a sick animal or receiving a bite or scratch that broke the skin. Another important factor was cleaning the cage or touching the bedding of a sick animal. No instances of monkeypox infection were attributed exclusively to person-to-person contact.

The USA study

Yes, but this one's thought to be a bit different. Got anything new??
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Yes, but this one's thought to be a bit different. Got anything new??
What I heard is that it is no different to the usual African one and not the Congo version of it.

The USA report lacks sufficient people with it really but indicates that a previous smallpox vaccination reduces risk but depends on how it's caught.

The USA cases from 2021 add this
CDC is supporting state and local health officials, airline and travel industry partners, and other stakeholders to identify people who had possible contact with the patient. Because it can take up to 21 days for symptoms to develop after infection, contacts are being asked to monitor their health for that amount of time. CDC will continue to collaborate with partners to ensure the success of this investigation to help prevent additional cases of monkeypox in the United States.

No mention of variants and I wont take any notice of odd bits on the web. Official sources will come clean at some point if it is.
Whereabouts in the USA was the outbreak, anywhere near Neverland?

Yeh - it's a plot and a conspiracy especially for people like you. Never happened. It was announced earlier to prepare people for a worse one in 2022 that wont be real either.

2022 is a who knows what so far. 20 out of many millions isn't exactly a lot.
The antivaxxers need something to cling on to to after the success of the covid vaccines. Do they realise the monkeypox virus has been around for over 60 years? I dunno, but there is a lot of barrel scaping going on...
The antivaxxers need something to cling on to to after the success of the covid vaccines. Do they realise the monkeypox virus has been around for over 60 years? I dunno, but there is a lot of barrel scaping going on...
been around 60 years with all the international travel there has been so how come its suddenly spreading throughout the world whilst international travel still being restricted ;)
How is it specifically my fault?
You collaborated with the corrupt government instead of fighting or at least defying it for those two years.

But back to the present day, how far must prices rise before you get a teensy little bit concerned for your livelihood?
What I heard is that it is no different to the usual African one and not the Congo version of it.

The USA report lacks sufficient people with it really but indicates that a previous smallpox vaccination reduces risk but depends on how it's caught.

The USA cases from 2021 add this
CDC is supporting state and local health officials, airline and travel industry partners, and other stakeholders to identify people who had possible contact with the patient. Because it can take up to 21 days for symptoms to develop after infection, contacts are being asked to monitor their health for that amount of time. CDC will continue to collaborate with partners to ensure the success of this investigation to help prevent additional cases of monkeypox in the United States.

No mention of variants and I wont take any notice of odd bits on the web. Official sources will come clean at some point if it is.
Heard from whom? Bloke in the pub?

A first rapid phylogenetic analysis of a draft genome indicates that the 2022 virus in Portugal, belongs to the West African clade and is most closely related to viruses associated with the exportation of monkeypox virus from Nigeria to several countries in 2018 and 2019, - the UK, Israel and Singapore. As you might know viruses can incorporate a host of nucleotide differences which may or may not affect the pathology. Significance may of course come to light later.

The small number of analyses so far conducted do show variations between them, but you need a largeish number of sequences to derive a reliable result.
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