More racism

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As it will be a version of what you (and your previous incarnations) have posted before, you are correct(y)
Will that be because you have an attention span deficiency, or you prefer not to read anything that might challenge your view, or because you wholly agree with what I say, or because you are unable to find any contrary argument, or is just tribalism and you would disagree with anything that I said?
Do please tell us why you do not read my comments.

While you are at it, perhaps you could address my comment which was addressed directly at you, rather than swivel from one issue to another in order to avoid it.
Your wordplay doesn't make it or you any less divisive, Himmy.
Please do explain how you think a unifying statement, such as, "There is only one race, the human race." creates division.
Or maybe you're referring to the bit where I said that there are many cultures, nationalities, religions, etc. If so, by all means, explain how you could possibly think that that is divisive, when it is so obviously factual.
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Do please tell us why you do not read my comments.

Who is "us"?
You and your previous incarnations?

Will that be because you have an attention span deficiency, or you prefer not to read anything that might challenge your view, or because you wholly agree with what I say, or because you are unable to find any contrary argument, or is just tribalism and you would disagree with anything that I said?

I have already told you in my initial response; it is because you (and your previous incarnations) have said it all before. Unless ot course, you've changed your opinion in the meantime.

Please do explain how you think a unifying statement, such as, "There is only one race, the human race." creates division.

I don't need to; I didn't say that.

Or maybe you're referring to the bit where I said that there are many cultures, nationalities, religions, etc. If so, by all means, explain how you could possibly think that that is divisive, when it is so obviously factual.

While it is not really relevant, it should also be obvious to you that, regardless of any other common ties, that anyone choses to adhere to a particular culture, religion, ethnicity, is a conscious decision to separate themselves for non-followers, for better or for worse.
People identify with a group, and logically identify as being NOT of other groups.

While you are at it, perhaps you could address my comment which was addressed directly at you, rather than swivel from one issue to another in order to avoid it.
Who is "us"?
It's a public forum, and I think we should assume that there are many others reading these comments.

I have already told you in my initial response; it is because you (and your previous incarnations) have said it all before. Unless ot course, you've changed your opinion in the meantime.
How can you assume that my recent comment has been said before if you don't read it?
That's simply illogical.

While it is not really relevant, it should also be obvious to you that, regardless of any other common ties, that anyone choses to adhere to a particular culture, religion, ethnicity, is a conscious decision to separate themselves for non-followers, for better or for worse.
People identify with a group, and logically identify as being NOT of other groups.
Your first sentence disagrees with your second sentence. In your first sentence you appear to suggest that people have a choice about their ethnicity, etc.
In your second sentence you appear to suggest that people have no choice. Which argument is it that you are trying to posit?

You think people can choose their culture, their ethnicity, etc.
I think you are mistaken. Some religions and cultures go hand in hand, e.g. Catholicism. It's inviting pariah status sometimes to disregard one's own culture. Sometimes people have no choice and are subject to the religious fervour against their will, e.g. the recent report on unmarried mothers in RoI.
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How can you assume that my recent comment has been said before if you don't read it?
That's simply illogical.

Only illogical if I suspect you may have changed your opinion in the meantime (as I clearly stated in the post you chose to selectively comment upon).
I fully expect your opinion to have remained the same.
Your first sentence disagrees with your second sentence. In your first sentence you appear to suggest that people have a choice about their ethnicity, etc.
In your second sentence you appear to suggest that people have no choice. Which argument is it that you are trying to posit?

No, I don't. You are mistaken. All choices.
Only illogical if I suspect you may have changed your opinion in the meantime (as I clearly stated in the post you chose to selectively comment upon).
I fully expect your opinion to have remained the same.
But you choose not to check and rely on your assumption?
Then you claim that my comments are divisive without having read them?
You are exposing yourself.
Who is being divisive now?
The adherents to a particular "culture".
As I have said before.
Let's not get focused on any one culture. Let's keep it general.
I understand you want to hop, skip and jump about, but that only illuminates the fragility of your opinions.
Please explain what you have said before.
That unmarried mothers in RoI could choose their religion and their culture?

This lady chose to follow her own path.
That she did so lead to an attempt to murder her, while she was still a child.

Or do you think all of our futures are fixed at (or even before) birth? Or even "written in the stars"?
Let's not get focused on any one culture. Let's keep it general.
I understand you want to hop, skip and jump about, but that only illuminates the fragility of your opinions.
Please explain what you have said before.

I have not focused on any particular culture; I have just dismantled your chosen example.
It is you who is "hopping, skipping, and jumping" as a result.

Please explain what you have said before.

Be more specific about "before", and I either will, or tell you that I already have done.
This lady chose to follow her own path.
That she did so lead to an attempt to murder her, while she was still a child.
Precisely and exquisitely reinforces what I said. If anyone chooses to ignore or forsake their culture or religion they risk pariah status.
Yet you appear to suggest that it is easy, and of little consequence for people to do so.

Or do you think all of our futures are fixed at (or even before) birth? Or even "written in the stars"?
I think you've taken leave of your senses to think that this peculiar question has any bearing on our current discussion.
You honestly believe people can choose their ethnicity.

By the OED definition of ethnicity, yes.

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