More racism

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Did your mum ever encounter "It's those bloody Scots again" or heaven forbid "It's those bloody Jocks again"?

That racists used the word "****" (often to Indians) does not alter the fact that it is the name of the country of Pakistan meaning Pakiland like Scotland and therefore cannot be racist in itself - not to mention, of course that Pakistanis are not a race.

I have written all those words in full so it is interesting which is censored by the site while the others are not.

If you want to assert that use of these terms carries equal weight and those to which they're directed should be no more/less offended that's your choice.
They are members of the one race; the human race.
There are no other races.
There are nationalities, cultures, ethnicities, religions, etc, but there's only one race.
You use race in a purely biological sense...It has a different meaning in a Sociology sense
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