More racism

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Obvisouly thickos run off what DM said.

"On New Year’s Day, Guillot tweeted that he was giving a 3-year-old colt a “unique name in honor of a TVG analyst,” adding a Black fist emoji. When a follower asked the name, he responded, “GRAPE SODA,” which can be a racist term directed at African-Americans.

So the term itself is not racist, but when the owner used the term directly at a Black Person to cause offence then it can be seen as racist. No different than if he called his horse White Lemonade and directed it at a white person, they could rightly feel that is a racist slur directed at them.

When will thickos learn? Never it seems whilst they read the DM, SUN etc.

Call it white honky ghost cracker for all i care :D

Be even funnier if it kept winning everything so you could call it the supreme white honky ghost cracker..

Meanwhile as usual its just white people that are racist.
You use race in a purely biological sense...It has a different meaning in a Sociology sense
Only in that race is a social construct. As you rightly say, it is only of use due to its historical connotations.
But in sociology now, the term 'race' is only recognised in its historical context.
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Are Pakistani/Indian one of the most racist to each other?

Im sure they are, but that seems ok because they're not white supremacists (like all white people are who have an opinion or disagree with certain racial issues)
Are Pakistani/Indian one of the most racist to each other?
There's racism, as in dislike of another nationality, culture, etc.
Then there's racism as in a structural inequality. There's a difference.
If you need it explaining, I'm happy to do so.

And festive almost realises it:
Im sure they are, but that seems ok because they're not white supremacists (like all white people are who have an opinion or disagree with certain racial issues)
I'm still waiting to find out who the Muslim was in my post?

I think your explanation might be of thesus length.It is all just as bad is it not?
I could try to cut it down to manageable dimensions.
But now that I've differentiated between the two, you can maybe imagine what I would say anyway.
In short, prejudice against another nationality is simple tribalism. There's no structural inequality, It's just tribalism.

Racism, as in a structural inequality is exactly what it says, an in-built social inequality towards certain members of that society, as in class, etc.
Members of the "ruling elite" are taught that they are the higher ranking members, and it becomes second nature, and is perpetuated. They are even unaware of their natural prejudice.
I'm still waiting to find out who the Muslim was in my post?
You can't have it both ways.

Do you look Pakistani?

If you do, then the woman in the shop might have been respecting what she thought was your culture.

If not, then what are you complaining about?
I wonder if any of the opinions of the evil white people of this 80% white country are influenced by groups from other backgrounds? Last time i checked all the poor white girls raped and groomed weren't by white people, the shocking numbers of serious crime in London isn't by white people.....there must be an connection here........if i could just put my finger on it.......
I think you've pointed out quite well how your attitude is so bigoted.
How many countries are more tolerant then ours? Not many.
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