More racism

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When you move to France shortly Bobby John, you’ll soon find out what racism is.
Things like Rotherham happened because of people like Bobby Bedwetter allowing it to.
I wonder if any of the opinions of the evil white people of this 80% white country are influenced by groups from other backgrounds? Last time i checked all the poor white girls raped and groomed weren't by white people, the shocking numbers of serious crime in London isn't by white people.....there must be an connection here........if i could just put my finger on it.......

The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said.

The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), also known as grooming gangs, said there was not enough evidence to conclude that child sexual abuse gangs were disproportionately made up of Asian offenders.
Yeah, nope.
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Right guys. Just googled “ grooming gang convicted” & changed to images.
You will be shocked the what you see as you scroll. Trust me!!!
Right guys. Just googled “ grooming gang convicted” & changed to images.
You will be shocked the what you see as you scroll. Trust me!!!
Try googling Catholic Priest sexual abuse. See the demographics of abusers.

Here's a brief report from one such site:
According to a 2004 research study by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 4,392 Catholic priests and deacons in active ministry between 1950 and 2002 have been plausibly (neither withdrawn nor disproven) accused of under-age sexual abuse by 10,667 individuals research,sexual abuse by 10,667 individuals.
I think it's reasonable to consider the Catholic Church as a "grooming gang".
You can't have it both ways.

Do you look Pakistani?

If you do, then the woman in the shop might have been respecting what she thought was your culture.

If not, then what are you complaining about?
These threads verge on being laughable, talk about what people type being misinterpreted and/or added to.

First, you assert because I have dark skin people will assume I'm Muslim? Interesting.

Second, you might of course be right. The woman serving in the garage perhaps had my best interests at heart by not calling me love. It's possible. That must be why she also stopped smiling and not using words/phrases such as 'hello there' and 'is that everything' or 'bye' cause we all know people with dark skin (who are therefore most likely Muslim) don't like hearing those used towards them.

Finally, who's complaining? If you read my post again you'll see I'm simply giving opinions, assertions and some of my life experiences. It's interesting these essentially get jumped all over as me misinterpreting and/or being over sensitive.
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