More Rubbish From Johnson

Simple fact is that this general election will be about this brexit caper ;)

The Labour Hard left have always been anti self employed ;)

Corbyn and mcdonel couldn't run a welk stall :LOL:
Good points.Well made .
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Comrade corbyn gets to be in charge and every one will have to work for the state :LOL:

Any one owning more than one house will have em confiscated by the state :LOL:

All schoolchildren will have to join some type of corbyn organisation / cult and get indoctrinated
With his version of history :LOL: of all of the great world leaders

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Politics of envy. Always the left's Achilles heel.

I've said it before ; to people like Corbyn, you're "rich" if you have more than them.
In this case, about £500 p. a. more.

Not rich.

I do believe the hard left ideology does turn itself into the politics of envy - which is a turn off for voters, even from the left.

Corbyn does seem to keep announcing policies that hit the rich, he goes on about billionaires and is not the right message.

It is a necessary fact that this country needs to pay more tax if it wants properly funded services and the tax burden will tend to fall on the rich and on business.

However Labour needs to be pro business, it should support SMEs, it should support the growing Tech sector - this country needs profitable business in order to get higher tax revenue.
They can shove the extra £20 up their a***. There is nothing extraordinary about my upbringing or life chances to suggest that the vast majority of people on avg to low income could not have bettered themselves financially in a similar way. You just find the thing people need, get good at it and money problems are gone. It’s about self belief not social justice b****x
Looks like one minute of learning is too much for the brainboxes on here.

Currently the Gov sector is now smaller than under Thatcher and getting smaller. Our growth has been through consumption, but not backed by higher wages but increasing private debt. Our private debt levels are reaching the levels pre financial crisis.

We cannot have another consumption lead growth. So we need an investment lead growth.

Try getting a £100k business loan vs £100k mortgage - our banks are poor at investing in business. That leaves companies but due to Brexit they will delay or cut back investment. Look at FDI dropping.

So that leaves the Government as the only institution that can invest long term.

I suspect the Tory manifesto will put consumption at the heart of its policies, so thats the rumoured NI cut. This will have a bearing on our debt levels.

So you can have growth via consumption backed by debt or growth via investment backed by debt.
Just because the govt is spending doesn’t mean it’s investment. Public sector are notorious for wasting money.
So arguing people do not make good decisions (why penalise those that do) , so giving them money to increase consumption would mean throwing away money.
When institutions are tight on money they prioritise and apply rigour, when budgets are plentiful they waste it.

Every year money is spent so that it is not lost for the next year
I suspect your upbringing was similar to mine, middle class comfortable. There was no university fees, schools were funded. The dependency ratio was lower.

We grew up in a different time which needs to be factored in. The jobs growth post war where homes could be purchased for small multiples of ones income is no more.
Politics pollutes economics.

Currently we have extremes as our options and at the current juncture we cannot untangle the economics from the politcs.
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