More Trouble in London

According to the 10 o'clock news, it is possible that the explosives used were from the same batch as those used 2 weeks ago, and that they have "gone off" in the food sense of the word.

Let's just hope they catch the guys who did it. If this is another islamist attack, hopefully they won't try and martyr themselves in some other way. What is the islamic view on suicide?

This could be a theological reality check, maybe tomorrow at the mosque the islamists will be asking "if allah wants us to kill non-muslims, then why did he make every single bomb fail?". Seeing as these radicals have an absolute belief that their god wants them to kill non-muslims at any cost, surely there would be no logic in "Erm... perhaps he wants us to hold off until next week". :!: If this changes the beliefs of just 4 men, that could be enough to prevent another bombing.

Thank god that no-one was killed this time. Let's hope they catch the terrorists and extract enough information to get to the root of this weed.
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Freddie how would you like being kicked out the country because you are Irish? After all they set off bombs don't they?
Now see how pathetic your comments are? :rolleyes:
kendor said:
Freddie how would you like being kicked out the country because you are Irish? After all they set off bombs don't they?
Now see how pathetic your comments are? :rolleyes:

Hilarious, i am not Irish i am British through and through of English Scots variety, but i live in a different country and understand if the Brits bombed here tomorrow that i would most possibly have to leave i would not expect any sympathy or a pat on the back.
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AdamW said:
What is the islamic view on suicide?

the koran said:
3:195 "... Those who have ... fought or been slain, verily I will blot out from them their iniquities and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath; a reward from the presence of God ..."

3:157-158 "And if ye are slain or die in the way of God, forgiveness and mercy from God are far better than all they could amass. And if ye die, or are slain, Lo! It is unto God that ye are brought together."

so if you die whilst fighting for allah (ie suicide bombings), you'll be rewarded
Yeah right, I wonder why the instigators do not take advantage of the chance to get closer to their God? I guess this world is a better bet for them, so tis better to coerce the gullible, firey, hotbloodied youth to take the hammer.... You do not see many, if any, over 40's lobbing brickbats or firing Kalashnikovs ...... Over there !!
I'll be interested to see what comes out of that: armed police officers in this country are not in the habit of pinning someone down and firing off 5 rounds into them whilst surrounded by the public.

I guess that they had to, who knows where the bomb trigger was?

I think it was Colin Powell who said "It's God's job to judge them... we just arrange the meeting." :LOL:
Freddie said:
Hilarious, i am not Irish i am British through and through of English Scots variety, but i live in a different country and understand if the Brits bombed here tomorrow that i would most possibly have to leave i would not expect any sympathy or a pat on the back.
Give me strength! I wasn't saying YOU are Irish merely using an example :rolleyes:
oh for ****s sake kendor.
Previous history, suicide bombs let off on trains, a lot of people killed.
A suicide bomber on a train has the potential to kill a lot of people as has already been shown. If he has been identified as one, and is in possesion of a bomb, what would you do? Talk to him about it? No i dont think so
He could have the trigger anywhere on his body and it could be activated in a number of ways. You do not shot to incapacitate him, all the time he has an ounce of life running through his viens he will be hell bent on taking everyone with him for his martyrdom. Until he is dead the threat has not passed. Under the criminal law act that is reasonable force. Speaking as an ex-copper, who always did his best to use the minimum of force, faced with the situation id have done the same.
What would you have done then?
Thermo said:
oh for **** sake kendor.
What's the problem Thermo? I was showing that it isn't the first time this has happened police going in Gun Ho, also shows that innocent people can be shot.
kendor said:
Thermo said:
oh for **** sake kendor.
What's the problem Thermo? I was showing that it isn't the first time this has happened police going in Gun Ho, also shows that innocent people can be shot.

Kendor we understand exactly what you mean mate but being serious now---you are coming across as a bit of a prat.
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Thermo said:
oh for **** sake kendor.
What's the problem Thermo? I was showing that it isn't the first time this has happened police going in Gun Ho, also shows that innocent people can be shot.

Kendor we understand exactly what you mean mate but being serious now---you are coming across as a bit of a prat.
you're the expert on that subject freddie!
how can you compare it? Its not being gung ho, its preserving life of the innocent. Either you live in a nice little bubble in la la land or you have no comprehension of the reality of it
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