More Trouble in London

Freddie said:
Its not because you disgree or have a point of view its the game you are up to Kendor, the Loony Left Political Anachist agenda as you attack people and if possible obstruct people trying to defend us from scum.
If you say so freddie, you seem to be on another planet :rolleyes:
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Freddie is at it again and said:
..........Thats got nothing to do with it Kendor, i am referring to your comments and posts on this subject on here which have been pulled up by me and many others on this forum, and to be honest some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

You're twisting it again :rolleyes:. There are a few like minded bigots, NOT "..many others....." who agree with you.

The punch in the gob again demonstrates how civilised and rational you are under that disguise.
these unlightened are islamic supportors freddie dont waste your time on them

time will tell that islam is an evil religion

we need to move on the demolition of them trianing camps called mosques in the uk how stupid we are to think that islam is a peacable religion look at the way they govern when they are in power ANIMALS sorry no thats taring animals demons dont even come close this religion is satanic
oilman said:
Freddie is at it again and said:
..........Thats got nothing to do with it Kendor, i am referring to your comments and posts on this subject on here which have been pulled up by me and many others on this forum, and to be honest some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

You're twisting it again :rolleyes:. There are a few like minded bigots, NOT "..many others....." who agree with you.

The punch in the gob again demonstrates how civilised and rational you are under that disguise.

I have already explained what i mean---not a view but snide put down of any one who defends the public
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slogger said:
we need to get back to pre ww2 ideals and do away with all this politically correct rubbish i dont want any refugees near me and me and my ( sort) mates will make any of them totally unwelcome to a level most of you would call barbaric
Unless you have felt them breathin down your neck and had them( FUGEES) living near you then dont say we need them because we need them like a hole in the head talking of holes in the head seems to me that would stop them coming here and i may add passing more then 1 friendly country in the process
Shoot the bas.tards where they stand one and all

Britain for the british

or do you lot want to learn the koran and live in a muslim run society

See here

So bombings have not initiated his views, he has been inciting religeous hatred for some time. This is just another excuse.


Slogger said:
these unlightened are islamic supportors freddie dont waste your time on them

time will tell that islam is an evil religion

we need to move on the demolition of them trianing camps called mosques in the uk how stupid we are to think that islam is a peacable religion look at the way they govern when they are in power ANIMALS sorry no thats taring animals demons dont even come close this religion is satanic
You wern't part of the Spanish inquisition in a past life were you? :eek:
Slogger said:
lock the post its getting personal again
yes but it was you and freddie being the first to get personal once more and thoroughly deserve any comeback you receive!
kendor said:
Slogger said:
lock the post its getting personal again
yes but it was you and freddie being the first to get personal once more and thoroughly deserve any comeback you receive!

I didnt see what Oilman had wrote Kendor before it was moderated, but he has previosly told us that we dont think and are basically a rabble and with his other attacks all i have said is that he has his head up his arse---he now claims he is only winding me up, which basically proves my point
Freddie, it's a case of he that lives by the sword , one should not throw stones in a greenhouse, he that casts the first stone....... here i think, time to call a truce perhaps? by that i mean the personal abuse from all parties, but that doesn't mean no disagreements after all there should be healthy debate.
and if i see what i consider to be an attack on someone that is unjustified or something i find offensive then of course i will comment on that same as you will probably but it doesn't need to get abusive or personal.
Everyone in London to travel in undies only, no bags briefcases or otherwise .. Job done, sorted.
Get back to making love not war !
pipme said:
Everyone in London to travel in undies only, no bags briefcases or otherwise .. Job done, sorted.
Get back to making love not war !

It will never work mate, if people see me in my stockings and suspenders everday it means i will have to start shaving my legs everyday as i will not be waxed as it gets a bit sore around the meat and veg :LOL:
Freddie said:
I didnt see what Oilman had wrote Kendor before it was moderated, but he has previosly told us that we dont think and are basically a rabble and with his other attacks all i have said is that he has his head up his a**e---he now claims he is only winding me up, which basically proves my point

What you see in that post is all of the post, the MOD has merely added a comment. I am not ONLY winding you up, every comment anyone makes that does not meet your approval winds you up, it's so easy. Meanwhile you continue with your deliberately offensive way of commenting. You have continually attacked the muslim faith. I have no faith, I don't object to others having one.
Oilman i will explain as why your wind up as you now call it is fruitless and laughable and only then will you see the light.

You live a lot nearer to The London bombings than me :)

And i have not attacked the muslim faith as you put it, i have tried to say that even though all muslims do not openly support terrorists there is the mind set that muslims will support each other as in other skirmishes which have happened
if islam is the muslim faith then i would attack it no probs there

they are attacking the west so lets give them some back

this is ENGLAND my grandad died in ww2 to make this a free country

we dont want any of this religious cra p where i live i am sure the majority of white english people dont either

time is now to say no more and close the door on islam here

if the muslims want to they can leave and go where its ok to practice this evil religion

wake up little england wake up what we hold dear to us is under a massive threat and it is happening so slowly you can hardly see it

2050 is it or is it 2020 for an islamic state

better red than dead some said about the russkies

better dead then an islam as you wont have the choice if they get to power

**** me cant you see it there is such an obvious hidden agenda going on
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