More Trouble in London

censoreship is kicking in again who was it

kendor ? jtaunton or the mod engineer ? losing a debate to they take the thread out very childish

wak up little england its not a dream tony said so too
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Not me. If you look back to our first post together I said that I didn't agree with you, but wanted your posts left up as I felt others would feel the same (of course, I didn't realise how many there were going to be at that point). The reason I have not been contributing to these threads anymore is 'cos they aren't going anywhere, not because I've taken to complaining about them.

On one occasion I did say that I thought you were another poster using an alias - I apologised for that in my very next post once I realised my mistake.
Slogger look its yesterdays news now all these threads are now dead and mostly ruined so its time to finish them off.

Hopefully there wont be another bombing and it will all blow over, but if there is another terrorist attack then we can start a new thread and keep it all on track so it makes sense, but all these threads are gone now so just leave them well alone
only answerd this thread freddie cos the took the rest off as i was winning my debates = too many where agreeing with me
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Slogger said:
only answerd this thread freddie cos the took the rest off as i was winning my debates = too many where agreeing with me

The idea is not to win Slogger but just put your point across---you have endlessly :LOL: no just lie back and wait for another topic you like otherwise you are feeding the monster
Slogger said:
this is ENGLAND my grandad died in ww2 to make this a free country

Have to say I agree with you 100% on this one Slogger, millions died in 2 wars to keep this country free;

free from persecution
free from fear
free from bigotry
free to practice their religion of choice
free to get on with their lives in the country they were born in without their fellow countrymen saying they should be deported

I'm sure your grandad and his peers would be turning in their graves to hear some of the verbal onslaughts against English citizens that have been going on on this forum.
petewood said:
Slogger said:
this is ENGLAND my grandad died in ww2 to make this a free country

Have to say I agree with you 100% on this one Slogger, millions died in 2 wars to keep this country free;

free from persecution
free from fear
free from bigotry
free to practice their religion of choice
free to get on with their lives in the country they were born in without their fellow countrymen saying they should be deported

I'm sure your grandad and his peers would be turning in their graves to hear some of the verbal onslaughts against English citizens that have been going on on this forum.

Ahh Pete Wood in those days you were also hung or shot for Treason which came in many forms, remember Lord Ha Ha ? all he was was a disc jockey :D .

So Sloggers point if he made it of deportation may be preferred to the other.
Freddie said:
Ahh Pete Wood in those days you were also hung or shot for Treason which came in many forms, remember Lord Ha Ha ? all he was was a disc jockey :D .

So Sloggers point if he made it of deportation may be preferred to the other.

Are you saying slogger should be hung or shot for his views? I don't think I would go that far.

No I don't remember Lord Ha Ha, was he on Radio Caroline?
petewood said:
Freddie said:
Ahh Pete Wood in those days you were also hung or shot for Treason which came in many forms, remember Lord Ha Ha ? all he was was a disc jockey :D .

So Sloggers point if he made it of deportation may be preferred to the other.

Are you saying slogger should be hung or shot for his views? I don't think I would go that far.

No I don't remember Lord Ha Ha, was he on Radio Caroline?

I think he was Tony Blackburns dad, he just kind of hung out in those swinging days, had a great neck tie :LOL:
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