More Trouble in London

"I saw these police officers in uniform and out of uniform shouting 'get down, get down', and I saw this guy who appeared to have a bomb belt and wires coming out and people were panicking and I heard two shots being fired."

There you are Kendor an eye witness report, now how about a bit of praise for our Police istead of your LOONY LEFT defeatest pro-Islamic terrorist snide.

A good few innocent peoples lives may have possibly been saved this morning much to your disapointment.
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Freddie said:
"I saw these police officers in uniform and out of uniform shouting 'get down, get down', and I saw this guy who appeared to have a bomb belt and wires coming out and people were panicking and I heard two shots being fired."

There you are Kendor an eye witness report, now how about a bit of praise for our Police istead of your LOONY LEFT defeatest pro-Islamic terrorist snide.

A good few innocent peoples lives may have possibly been saved this morning much to your disapointment.

ok thats it i want freddie to be the next PM he has all the qualities we need for the new england

get him go get him boy grrrr grrrr grrrrr
Freddie said:
"I saw these police officers in uniform and out of uniform shouting 'get down, get down', and I saw this guy who appeared to have a bomb belt and wires coming out and people were panicking and I heard two shots being fired."

There you are Kendor an eye witness report, now how about a bit of praise for our Police istead of your LOONY LEFT defeatest pro-Islamic terrorist snide.

A good few innocent peoples lives may have possibly been saved this morning much to your disapointment.
What have i said that warrants that comment?? I merely was answering Adam's post to show it has happened before, now Mr Pschanalyist Freddie seems to have produced a profile of me which incidentally is totally wrong but goes to show you are all mouth and no sense when it comes to criticising others that have their viewpoints which you don't seem to like.
It is your right to have any view that you want but when all the evidence is decending on you by the second you still refuse to change what may be a wrong opinion and critisise others for having theirs.
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Freddie said:
It is your right to have any view that you want but when all the evidence is decending on you by the second you still refuse to change what may be a wrong opinion and critisise others for having theirs.
sorry you have lost me here what evidence is decending on what comment made by myself and what opinion is wrong?? you are getting yourself very confused here.
he is saying you defend the islamic faith and wont see any other evidence as to why it should be outlawed

and you do defend them dont you kendor ( why) its time to choose a side

whos side are you on good old england or bad bad islam

i simplified the question so i can read it to myself where can i get some pictures :D

you have chosen your side KENDOR it shows

there is no faith in islam it has had its time on our littel england it is an evil unjust religion no place for it here
Slogger said:
he is saying you defend the islamic faith and wont see any other evidence as to why it should be outlawed

and you do defend them dont you kendor ( why) its time to choose a side

whos side are you on good old england or bad bad islam
why outlaw the religion/faith when it is the extremeists that should be outlawed?
as for choosing sides i don't , I'm merely pointing out flaws in peoples arguments.
kendor said:
Freddie said:
It is your right to have any view that you want but when all the evidence is decending on you by the second you still refuse to change what may be a wrong opinion and critisise others for having theirs.
sorry you have lost me here what evidence is decending on what comment made by myself and what opinion is wrong?? you are getting yourself very confused here.

You have poo pooed any critism of muslims

You have refused to admit that any terrorists could be muslims or remotly Islamic in any way

You have po pooed the Police for their brave actions this morning--even if it was a mistake they have done something to avert a possible attack but at the moment it looks according to witness's they got their man

You rubbish anybodies views on muslims which disagree with your own as you claim to know all about muslims and their Islamic beliefs even though you admit you arent a muslim, so by that you must be a expert on Islam but obviously dont believe its true other wise you would be a muslim

I could go on but i will leave it to all the others who have disagreed with you on this subject.
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
It is your right to have any view that you want but when all the evidence is decending on you by the second you still refuse to change what may be a wrong opinion and critisise others for having theirs.
sorry you have lost me here what evidence is decending on what comment made by myself and what opinion is wrong?? you are getting yourself very confused here.

You have poo pooed any critism of muslims

You have refused to admit that any terrorists could be muslims or remotly Islamic in any way

You have po pooed the Police for their brave actions this morning--even if it was a mistake they have done something to avert a possible attack but at the moment it looks according to witness's they got their man

You rubbish anybodies views on muslims which disagree with your own as you claim to know all about muslims and their Islamic beliefs even though you admit you arent a muslim, so by that you must be a expert on Islam but obviously dont believe its true other wise you would be a muslim

I could go on but i will leave it to all the others who have disagreed with you on this subject.
I've disagreed with you because you tar everyone the same , that is such a bliase way to look at things, as stated before are all irish people terrorists because of the actions of the few?
kendor id hardly call one shooting from 22 years ago a habit
Thats got nothing to do with it Kendor, i am referring to your comments and posts on this subject on here which have been pulled up by me and many others on this forum, and to be honest some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

If you dont like the country that you live in or the security people doing their jobs to protect you by putting their lives on the line-----then get the f--- out and live elsewhere
Freddie said:
some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

Not sure what pubs you visit, but I've never heard of someone getting punched in the face for expressing a view (with the obvious exceptions of "I am of the opinion that your girlfriend is aesthetically displeasing", or "I had your mum last night, and I'm firmly of the belief that she was c**p" ;) )

According to one anthropologist of the English, the way we argue in the pub is a trait of English men that is very confusing to women and foreigners. :LOL:
It's not just his point of view Adam, it's the snide he puts with it to put everything down and find fault with.
Freddie said:
Thats got nothing to do with it Kendor, i am referring to your comments and posts on this subject on here which have been pulled up by me and many others on this forum, and to be honest some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

If you dont like the country that you live in or the security people doing their jobs to protect you by putting their lives on the line-----then get the f--- out and live elsewhere
for someone to punch someone else because of their views shows that violent person up for being mentally unstable and to think that way is questionable in the extreme! Where do you get the idea i don't like this country? simply because i disagree with some things if that is the case you should have left ages ago as you disagree against the government in a hell of a lot of your posts, so think before you come out with such stupid comments please.
kendor said:
Freddie said:
Thats got nothing to do with it Kendor, i am referring to your comments and posts on this subject on here which have been pulled up by me and many others on this forum, and to be honest some of your comments would earn you a punch in the gob if in a pub and a lot of applause from those watching.

If you dont like the country that you live in or the security people doing their jobs to protect you by putting their lives on the line-----then get the f--- out and live elsewhere
for someone to punch someone else because of their views shows that violent person up for being mentally unstable and to think that way is questionable in the extreme! Where do you get the idea i don't like this country? simply because i disagree with some things if that is the case you should have left ages ago as you disagree against the government in a hell of a lot of your posts, so think before you come out with such stupid comments please.

Its not because you disgree or have a point of view its the game you are up to Kendor, the Loony Left Political Anachist agenda as you attack people and if possible obstruct people trying to defend us from scum.
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