motorways and roof bars

Well it looks like we've got to shift some extra stuff so we'll have to hire a van for the day. Not worth the risk is it with all those cameras monitoring the road.
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pityyou are not buying on of these I once saw one going round a roundabout, pity i never had my camera
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I don't understand the fuss about motorway lanes. The inside lane is 60mph for trucks and caravans. The other two lanes (on M1) are for cars travelling at the speed limit (70mph). If we all travel at the same speed and all keep our distances we will get where we are going safely and quickly. What's the problem with that?

It is idiots like you that cause all the congestion and probably a fair few accidents too
the 2nd and 3rd lanes (or more) are purely overtaking lanes, so if you are not overtaking, then you shouldn't be using them, i remember the police a while ago had a clamp down on the half wits who sit in the middle lane doing 70mph, thinking its ok because thats the speed limit, they were pulled over and warned about inconsiderate driving to other road users. And quite right too
Rubbish. The 3rd lane would be obsolete if everyone drove as you suggest. Where in the highway code does it say that you can exceed the speed limit and endanger the lives of other road users?
Rubbish. The 3rd lane would be obsolete if everyone drove as you suggest. Where in the highway code does it say that you can exceed the speed limit and endanger the lives of other road users?

why would it be obselete a vehicle in the 1st lane doing 55mph, a vehicle in the 2nd lane overtaking doing 65mph and then a vehicle in the not so obselete 3rd doing 70mph overtaking.
I suspect you already know that such a ridiculous statement would never appear in the highway code, but then again from some of your previous posts you've probably never read it anyway.
I don't travel at 65mph. I travel at the speed limit. The left lane is full of trucks - so what do you suggest I do?
Doh :rolleyes: Overtake them if safe to do so.......................then pull back in
I use the M1. The queue of trucks never ends. I'm in a constant act of overtaking the trucks. I observe the laws of the road - so what do I do? Sit in the middle lane on 70? If not - then you tell me. (he won't)
(he will) but i'd imagine your the sort of driver who needs a good mile or two, to consider it worth while doing a manouvre into the 1st lane. why would you bother when your doing the speed limit so no-one should want to overtake you anyway
You clearly haven't driven much on the M1. Bumper to bumper trucks. So you tell me what I should do. As soon as I pass one truck I'm level with another. Why should I drive at 60 in the truck lane just so some ****** can speed in the middle lane?
Talk about deja-vu ... Mind you it's good to see someone else taking this one up rather than me :LOL:
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