motorways and roof bars

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Rubbish. The 3rd lane would be obsolete if everyone drove as you suggest. Where in the highway code does it say that you can exceed the speed limit and endanger the lives of other road users?
joe, I don't understand why you vociferously uphold parts of the Highway Code but not others.

For example, and this is from memory, I believe that the HC encourages the prompt (but not hasty) return to the inside lane after completion of an overtaking manoeuvre.
The crux of Joe's argument is that the left hand lane is an endless train of trucks which prevent him from ever moving back into it whilst maintaining the (max) 70mph he drives at.

I have never found this to be the case personally and I would suggest that obstinacy prevents him from moving over to the left hand lane to allow others to pass rather than having no opportunity to do so given his view that, as he is travelling at 70mph, nobody should ever need to drive faster.

There are plenty of others who drive in a similar fashion unfortunately and they don't realise that it is their actions which are causing many of the jams which pop up for no reason at all.

I have always found that, no matter how fast I drive, there will always be someone wanting to overtake me ... So, when they approach, I move over briefly to let them pass and then move back into the middle lane where I spend most of my time ... I don't understand the reluctance of drivers like Joe to do this simple thing to keep traffic flowing freely ... Other than stubborn obstinacy ;)

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I have always found that, no matter how fast I drive, there will always be someone wanting to overtake me ... So, when they approach, I move over briefly to let them pass and then move back into the middle lane where I spend most of my time ;)


why only briefly? why not permanently until such time that you have to move to the centre to overtake a slower vehicle? have you written it wrong or have read it wrong as you seem to be clued up on the correct way to drive on a motorway.
I don't tend to remain long in the left hand lane simply due to the numbers of vehicles driving at much slower speeds than me though I don't make a conscious effort not to stay in the left hand lane. Rather than constantly changing lanes and making my passengers travel sick I choose to spend more time in the middle lane if there is nobody behind me (which is quite a lot of the time).

So I guess that I agree with an element of what Joe has said previously but I've never found that I don't have an opportunity to pull over to let others pass (which is where we differ).

On days when there's not much traffic about I personally also feel that it's sensible to drive in the middle lane ... More room to deal with untoward things going wrong like blown tyres etc.

The left hand lanes always tend to be more uneven also I find probably as a result of the HGV traffic and thus its a smoother ride for my passengers in the middle or fast lanes (whilst I'm trying to reach take off velocity :LOL: ).

I have always found that, no matter how fast I drive, there will always be someone wanting to overtake me ... So, when they approach, I move over briefly to let them pass and then move back into the middle lane where I spend most of my time ...


Yes me too. We drive the same way. The only difference is that I refuse to jump into the truck lane, brake, let someone pass at an illegal speed and then have to get from 55mph to 70mph before some other dope runs into the back of me doing illegal speed. Why should I? Take a look at the Red Arrows - they all travel in formation at the same speed - now imagine them all travelling at different speeds jumping from one part of the formation to another. A disaster waiting to happen.

If everyone on the M1 middle and outside lane travelled at the same speed limit - it wiould be almost impossible to have an accident. No need to jump from lane to lane. Gedditt yet?
Rubbish. The 3rd lane would be obsolete if everyone drove as you suggest. Where in the highway code does it say that you can exceed the speed limit and endanger the lives of other road users?
joe, I don't understand why you vociferously uphold parts of the Highway Code but not others.

For example, and this is from memory, I believe that the HC encourages the prompt (but not hasty) return to the inside lane after completion of an overtaking manoeuvre.

I do move to the left lane when I don't have to whack my brakes on in the process or hit the back of a truck. The lane has to be at least partially clear.
Joe, the only person who seems to need to jump from lane to lane in the way you describe is you because of this mythical endless stream of trucks in the lefthand lane which I've never witnessed anywhere at any time since I've been driving (other than in a traffic jam of course).

I, like most other people, simply take an opportunity to move over at the speed I am driving at to let the person behind me pass and I then move back out ... All at the same speed.

I don't seem to have your problem therefore and I cannot understand why its such an issue for you.

Oh, BTW, there are many times during a display where the sparrows are flying at different speeds (extremely so actually) and they remain safe because they are careful to keep a minimum displacement (and exceptionally well trained of course).

There is no need for everyone to be driving at the same speed (and it will never happen of course) so long as everyone is observant and respectful of other drivers around them.

with that on the roof your car will be a gas guzzeler so you should pay more road tax just like us 4x4 drivers ;)
Joe, the only person who seems to need to jump from lane to lane in the way you describe is you because of this mythical endless stream of trucks in the lefthand lane which I've never witnessed anywhere at any time since I've been driving (other than in a traffic jam of course).

I, like most other people, simply take an opportunity to move over at the speed I am driving at to let the person behind me pass and I then move back out ... All at the same speed.

I don't seem to have your problem therefore and I cannot understand why its such an issue for you.

Oh, BTW, there are many times during a display where the sparrows are flying at different speeds (extremely so actually) and they remain safe because they are careful to keep a minimum displacement (and exceptionally well trained of course).

There is no need for everyone to be driving at the same speed (and it will never happen of course) so long as everyone is observant and respectful of other drivers around them.


being as you don't know what I'm saying there's little point continuing.
rather than lock the thread perhaps the mods should ask Joe-90 to give up his name unless he is prepared to restricted to joe-70 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Being as you don't know what I'm saying there's little point continuing.
OH MY GOD! ... I've found a human side to Joe :LOL:

For once we are in total agreement ... Embrace our differences its what makes us powerful.

Rather than lock the thread perhaps the mods should ask Joe-90 to give up his name unless he is prepared to restricted to joe-70
I imagine even Joe will smile at this one ;)

Why should I drive at 60 in the truck lane just so some ****** can speed in the middle lane?

ROFL - I`ve been calling him a ****** for months then one day he finally admits is

make your mind up Joe - you wanna be a middle lane ****** or not - LOL
The law only allows me to travel at 70 mph - you too. You use the roads on the condition that you abide by the highway code. You clearly shouldn't be on the road. What makes you think you can ignore the rules of the road? Do you park on double yellows? Drive wrong way up one-way streets? Jump red lights? So what makes you think it is OK to put every other road user at risk by speeding? I think it's you that needs to smell the coffee - not me.
Obviously you ain't done any advanced driving courses then Joe. You'll also find the Dibble themselves recommend exceeding 70mph to get past the tossers who hog the middle lane and refuse to go back into lane one where EVERYONE belongs.

And as for the M1 being full of HGVs, you're having a laugh.
Joe-90, aka Miss Daisy
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