My Pet Hate Again!

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"Cheung Sam ", is that a branch of Skoda...?

Rear fog lights don't exist - they are called "high intensity lights".
It is illegal to use front fog lights or rear high intensity lights in clear conditions. Who cares? nobody 's gonna get prosecuted, except maybe the bloke who's had this pr*tt behind him for umpteen miles causing him to have to tilt his mirror to be able to see what's in front and meanwhile giving him a dose of rear lights.

One of my best experiences was two o'clock one morning belting back up the M3 with no lights on, driving on fresh snow with no sensible drivers about, as you could clearly see the sides of the road which appeared as black lines; ten miles I managed before I saw any lights approaching, then I switched mine back on.
Funny you should say that Adam..... We walked across a car park, late one night ... I was quite chuffed at wolf whistles from the group of 'girls' .... Local friends, watching me preen, laughingly explained that they were 'trannies' and we all fell about in mirth .. good old days !!
Cheung sam is the high necked, close fitting, thigh high slit sides Chinese dress.

Ah So! always liked them to look at, looks like they were sewn on the body, but didn't know the name.

I always laugh when I remember a mate being chatted up by a
"stringvestype" in Ealing one night, he was so close that he couldn't tell.
I know the dress you mean, never knew the name for it but it is indeed rather special, on the right woman (what's going on here, manly DIY types discussing dresses?! :LOL: )

I got talking to someone at a conference who had recently been to Bangkok with her boyfriend. She was telling me all about the ladyboys, and said "Well, I was really curious, so I took one up to our room and asked him to strip off... then afterwards he wanted MONEY for it!"

This girl had honestly thought that there were just a lot of young men who liked to dress as women in Thailand, she didn't realise they do it for the money! :rolleyes:

I would have put it down to innocence, if it wasn't for the fact that she was the type of girl who would invite a strange man into her hotel room and order him to get naked! :LOL:
and there was me hoping to see a gorgeous looking woman in a snug fitting dress!
planenut said:
and there was me hoping to see a gorgeous looking woman in a snug fitting dress!

Sorry - I was becoming bored with dresses and frocks and other stuff best left to the Womens Weekly forum. This was an attempt to get back on subject......
Interesting article there, so there is a definite difference between foglamps and driving lamps.

Eddie, I don't mean to stir, but I thought "Well maybe the Landcruiser does have driving lights after all!". So I looked at the Toyota website, and Toyota themselves call them fog lamps!
AdamW said:
Interesting article there, so there is a definite difference between foglamps and driving lamps.

Eddie, I don't mean to stir, but I thought "Well maybe the Landcruiser does have driving lights after all!". So I looked at the Toyota website, and Toyota themselves call them fog lamps!

Yeah, I know, I checked in the handbook and kept quiet. :D
Eddie M said:
Yeah, I know, I checked in the handbook and kept quiet. :D

Well at least we know you aren't a woman pretending to be a man :LOL:
AdamW said:
Eddie M said:
Yeah, I know, I checked in the handbook and kept quiet. :D

Well at least we know you aren't a woman pretending to be a man :LOL:

Has been known to 'b itc h' about boss tho !! ..... After the blow on the head .. mmmm ? ;)
pipme said:
AdamW said:
Eddie M said:
Yeah, I know, I checked in the handbook and kept quiet. :D

Well at least we know you aren't a woman pretending to be a man :LOL:

Has been known to 'b itc h' about boss tho !! ..... After the blow on the head .. mmmm ? ;)

He's not my "boss", he's my line manager two grades below me, and therefore my subordinate, which means I'm fully within my rights to tell him he's a snivelling little sh*t. As for him seeing this site, well lets just say I reckon the only DIY he does is in the bathroom... need I say more. :LOL:
I came up behind a car the other week and wondered why he was braking as he was driving along, it was only when he did apply the brakes did I realise that the high level light was duel function and wired to the side lights :rolleyes: and the brake lights because it became slightly brighter...

If I was a copper, I would have had him! Bloody stoopid after market chav tosh!!!

Yesterday I nearly killed the car too... Now I normally don't rely on peoples indicating, but as I approached this junction a bus was nearing and indicating left to turn off (I was joining). He was travelling quite slowly and started to pull out. At this point, the bus started to turn (the junction is on a bend) We both slammed on the brakes and stared at each other (Paddington hard stares all round! - Including the bus passengers! :oops: ) but as soon as I gestured to him that he was indicating to turn off, he looked down at his controls, then looked up and appologised.

I'm just grateful that we didn't collide, cos it would have been my fault :mad: but due to his mistake. I imagine my car would have been written off and I would be given three pence (the current market value...) :evil:
Yeah,but what about all those noodles who ride their cycles on the road without lights? Why is their safety MY responsibility?
I had a world first yesterday: a 50cc moped rider gesturing at me for driving too slowly... that's right, a 30mph MOPED! :LOL: To be fair to myself, I was in a carpark at the time, indicating to pull into a space. After all his obscene gesticulating I thought it could be amusing to put the car in reverse, but thought that a dented rear bumper and a dented teenager would not be seen as favourable on my insurance renewal!

He did seem to be an inexperienced chav wally. He spent most of those 10 seconds in my blindspot so if it wasn't for the fact I am very careful to check these then I wouldn't have seen him. When I came out of the supermarket he was leaving at the same time and the cartoon devil sitting on my shoulder :evil: suggested it would be a laugh to drive behind him, beeping and flashing whilst gesturing to speed up, but sensibly the cartoon angel on the other shoulder won. :LOL:
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