My Pet Hate Again!

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See the news today -- ref appalling weather in US --- watch the motors with all four locked up sliding into gutter, then guided by the kerb into chain collisions ---- Keep those bl##dy wheels turning !!!!
Took me a long time to get the technique during many icy, snowy, early mornings, hence my love affair with ABS as purely a second line of defence.
Have passengered with seasoned drivers, who, when in a slide on snow/ice have literally stopped taking any action and just sat with footbrake full on until vehicle stopped, one way or another .. totally out of control. Tis hard to lift off that pedal when grip is being lost !!

Adam, being a part-time van driver, I use one right, then one left indicator flash in quick succession in preference to the hazards - seen this before?

Also, if you want to overtake a lorry, the nice drivers will indicate left once to let you know it is safe to overtake...but it will be on your head if it's not!! Imagine in court, Well, your honour, the lorry driver in front told me it was OK to overtake.....!

Pip: I'm a fan of ABS too, but it can make stopping distances in winter longer than non ABS.

I agree, as much as you really don't want to let go of that middle pedal, you have to if you're going to stop efficiently, and reapply it quickly and repeat: cadence braking, a sort of manual ABS.
securespark said:
................ Pip: I'm a fan of ABS too, but it can make stopping distances in winter longer than non ABS.

Not to the extent that it should concern non - racers !!
Stomp, stay, steer------ Stay alive

securespark said:
I agree, as much as you really don't want to let go of that middle pedal, you have to if you're going to stop efficiently, and reapply it quickly and repeat: cadence braking, a sort of manual ABS.

Never cadence with ABS ... Computer is faster than foot ... also with discs all round ABS operates independantly on each wheel .... not possible with cadence braking.

Googled for 'abs versus non-abs' Interesting but mostly subjective.
never tell a driver 'how to do it' ---- hence the accident rates !!
No, Pip, I wasn't suggesting pumping an abs brake, rather a non abs car.

Sorry for any contusion.
Did you see the Mo-bike ABS test ? Worth a read.
When we next get some icy roads I am gonna try 'stomp' release and 'stomp' again, I have a feeling this may disengage the old ABS ... I mean if really quick the computer may see a wheel speed less than 7 mph the point at and below, which, my ABS does not kick in. ... So second stomp may actually lock the wheels ????
Interesting theory, Pip. I'll let YOU test it, as I will lose a life of my protected if I prang the old Czech chariot!
ABS is for girls! :LOL:

With the introduction of ABS, I bet she number of rear end shunts went up.

Non-ABS fitted cars splatting up the bum of cars with ABS as the braking distance is inferior? Comments?

Also, why do cars with options like ESP (Electronic Stability Program) (which is very good - having seen it first hand at a track day with VW doing a demo) Why have a switch on the dash to turn it off? You are bound to encourage people to turn it off when playing! :p
mildmanneredjanitor said:
ABS is for girls! :LOL:

With the introduction of ABS, I bet she number of rear end shunts went up.

Non-ABS fitted cars splatting up the bum of cars with ABS as the braking distance is inferior? Comments?

Also, why do cars with options like ESP (Electronic Stability Program) (which is very good - having seen it first hand at a track day with VW doing a demo) Why have a switch on the dash to turn it off? You are bound to encourage people to turn it off when playing! :p

For girls ? Ok, if you prefer.

Following too closely -- Run into the back of something almost always automatically to blame.

My question would be, given the national and motorway speed limits, why all the stability electronics on non offroad capability vehicles ? Does it mean driving lanes at 60 MPH 'because one can?' --- How many drivers in winding lanes think of 'pedestrians walking, facing on coming traffic' ? I watch drivers almost everyday negotiating a nearby lane, too quickly, hugging the road edge on blind lefthanders --- I hope it might be one of their children walking toward them one day !!
BTW as a country boy, when walking (you know -- feet and legs) a winding lane, walk toward a lefthand bend on the right facing the oncoming traffic, but when walking toward a righthand bend walk on the left, traffic may be approaching behind you, but you are in view most of the time for traffic approaching in both directions. .. draw it and see, especially when there are banks to each roadside edge. Effectively, walk on the outside of the bend, with awareness of traffic approaching from behind.

pipme said:
Did you see the Mo-bike ABS test ?

Sounds like a good idea to me... I have had a couple of front-wheel lock-ups on a motorbike before, they aren't fun! It was my own fault, I was filtering FAR too quickly AND on painted chevrons. Never had a two-wheel lock-up, I suppose you are pretty much guaranteed to park it on it's side once you do that (no gyroscopic stability to keep you upright).

An added advantage of ABS on two-wheeled vehicles would be to stop the local chavvery practicing rear-wheel skids on their mopeds!
I bet brake-assist probably causes as many accidents as it prevents. In the last year I have probably had 3 or 4 occasions on the motorway where I have had to really jam on the brakes. None of those occasions have ended in a collision. But, if I had emergency brake assist, the computer would decide "Aha! Time to put the EBA to work!" and would stop the car from 70mph in no time. And I would have been picking bits of sales-rep BMW 316 out of my back bumper for weeks. :eek:

OK, so it would be the fault of the guy behind me for driving too close, but that would be little consolation as you stand around on the bank waiting for the traffic cops to show up to decide who was the wally, or the tow-truck to show up and get you to a garage. ABS and EBA are nice to have, but people will rely on them instead of reserving them as emergency assistance, which is what they are!

Driving would be a lot safer if we all just kept our 2/4/20 second gaps. Have you ever tried leaving a 2-second gap on the M25 on a weekday? People will undertake you for doing that! :rolleyes:


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