My Pet Hate Again!

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jofly24 said:
Yeah,but what about all those noodles who ride their cycles on the road without lights? Why is their safety MY responsibility?

No doubt related to the same noodles who ride their bicycles through red lights! I have always been a careful cyclist, go by the ethic of acting responsibly and trying hard not to give cyclists a bad name. But quite often I have stopped at a red light and had some absolute willy cut around me and go through it. Even had another cyclist go into the back of me once because he didn't expect another cyclist (me) would stop! :eek:
AdamW said:
I had a world first yesterday: a 50cc moped rider gesturing at me for driving too slowly... that's right, a 30mph MOPED! :LOL: To be fair to myself, I was in a carpark at the time, indicating to pull into a space. After all his obscene gesticulating I thought it could be amusing to put the car in reverse, but thought that a dented rear bumper and a dented teenager would not be seen as favourable on my insurance renewal!

He did seem to be an inexperienced chav wally. He spent most of those 10 seconds in my blindspot so if it wasn't for the fact I am very careful to check these then I wouldn't have seen him. When I came out of the supermarket he was leaving at the same time and the cartoon devil sitting on my shoulder :evil: suggested it would be a laugh to drive behind him, beeping and flashing whilst gesturing to speed up, but sensibly the cartoon angel on the other shoulder won. :LOL:

Must have been the same bloke who politely told me to f**k off after I'd taken evasive action to avoid whacking his moped with 2 plus tons of 4x4.
Yes, Edward but when the evasive action demolished his house ... he would feel a tad aggrieved, wouldn't he ?
pipme said:
Yes, Edward but when the evasive action demolished his house ... he would feel a tad aggrieved, wouldn't he ?

Nah, just leave the car there, it's probably bigger than his hovel. :LOL:
Back onto the foglamps, it was misty here today. I went out at lunchtime and it was borderline foglamps weather. Guess how many cars I saw using them? One. One car. They were using them in the Highway Code-prescribed manner, sidelights only+foglamps, driven by an old guy. Loads of cars with dipped beams only. Just one car with front fogs turned on. Saw loads of chavmobiles (chaviots? Vauxhall Chavaliers? Toyota Chav-4?) about, none of them had front fogs turned on.

So, the cool rule when driving for the Chavlight Express must be to use foglamps incorrectly rather than to just use them all the time. Who woulda thunk that? :LOL:
They have been lulled into sense of false security ... road edge marked / center lines..... invaluable during foggy conditions.
Our country lanes are not so well appointed, pretty difficult in fog .. Which brings up a safety aspect, Bath council is in the process of deciding not to mark white lines on certain / all? roads 'Because it slows people down' ... What they mean is it aids driving efficiency but costs money .. Just who is, nationally, responsible for safe road redesign ie parking bay location, use of white lines etc ??
Anyone who has driven round Marble Arch will know what fun it is to have a busy road, several lanes wide, without lane markings. It is not good. One problem is that no two people take the same line through a corner, so if you have someone on your outside who likes to take corners a bit wide, and a lazy get on your inside who hates turning the steering wheel then you find yourself with a Range Rover on each side closing in fast!
That's why I used to love driving a van in the smoke. Bigger than a Chelsea-mobile.....!!
Finally got some "reasoning" (however twisted) into why people drive round with sidelights and front fogs.

Spoke to a middle aged mother today.

"Why have you got your front fogs on?"

"They give me a better light"

"Have you tried the headlights?"

securespark said:
.............."Have you tried the headlights?"


"They can encroach upon steering wheel .. !" She heaved.
The Highway Code states:

use headlights at night, except on restricted roads (those with street lights not more than 185 metres (600 feet) apart and which are generally subject to a speed limit of 30 mph)
use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced (see Rule 201).
ensure all sidelights and rear registration plate lights are lit at night.
Laws RVLR regs 24 & 25 & RV(R&L)R reg 19

use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users
use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves to avoid dazzling other road users.
Law RVLR reg 27

You should also
use dipped headlights, or dim-dip if fitted, at night in built-up areas and in dull daytime weather, to ensure that you can be seen
keep your headlights dipped when overtaking until you are level with the other vehicle and then change to main beam if necessary, unless this would dazzle oncoming traffic
slow down, and if necessary stop, if you are dazzled by oncoming headlights.
Saw a driving school car with the fogs on last night...

If they can't get it right and are teaching others how to drive - what hope is there... :rolleyes:

One thing that always sticks in my mind (from my dad when I was just starting to drive) was - when it starts turning dark and you need to turn your lights on whilst travelling, make sure that you don't turn them on approaching a junction etc. As it could be misconstrued as a courtesy signal to pull out.

Just thought of another one I learnt from a friend of friend who was a police pursuit instructor (or whatever they're called?). When driving on duel carriageway/motorway etc. only indicate prior to pulling out into a lane and not when pulling in as this can be seen as turning off. Especially when approaching a slip road. It's a different kettle of fish when driving a minibus or van though because of the visibilty issues - Is quite helpful when others flash to say it's clear to pull back into lane.

Does anyone else have any other good tips?
Overtaking with slip road looming, then stay out of inside lane, very few people are prepared to actually give way when joining mo-way -- Give yourself room.
Three flashes of indicator is useful to signify a return to lane only --- at least it can focus attention, perhaps, away from mobile phone !!
Double flash the overtaking lorry when clear to move left, will usually reply --- watch his rear lights, 'thanks' flashes !!

pipme said:
watch his rear lights, 'thanks' flashes !!


I found that one when I first started driving in London, you let someone in and they flash their hazards! I was driving in London with my Mum one day, and she became rather puzzled at my "interesting" use of hazard lights.

The position of the hazard lights indicator isn't particularly convenient for this though, as they deliberately put it where you won't accidentally hit it. Makes me wonder about the "S**t, slam on the anchors please! :eek: " signal, is it really safe to reach through the steering wheel whilst putting your weight on the brake pedal?

Anyone who has emergency brake assist on their car, does it automatically turn the hazards on? :?:
Anyone care to define what is "dazzling" or "discomfort" law..... what an ass :LOL:
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