not changing the avatar, though?
not changing the avatar, though?
Perhaps he's like some in here that hide behind the anonymity of a forum. Hey, why don’t you ask him? Don’t be annoyed if he just replies with the standard forum annonimaty answer: NOYFB.Why did he hide it in an offshore account?
I doubt claiming anonymity is a valid excuse for failing to pay your taxes mottie. We are all legally obliged to pay our due taxes. Just another rich sleazy Tory weasel trying to shaft the UK.Perhaps he's like some in here that hide behind the anonymity of a forum. Hey, why don’t you ask him?
Was this carelessness that involved carelessly setting up overseas companies with professional assistance, carelessly transferring shares around foreign family members to conceal beneficial ownership, carelessly forgetting to register beneficial ownership over many years, carelessly selling the company and making a huge capital gain, carelessly paying expert international tax accountants for many years with the intention of dodging tax, carelessly not reporting the transaction on any tax returns, carelessly paying lawyers to threaten anyone who mentioned it, and finally, carelessly getting caught?
That would be quite a string of carelessness, wouldn't it?
Have you ever been that careless? I haven't.
It does if the laws overtly favour the wealthy and those laws were deliberately enshrined by a greedy sleazy Tory government that - bless my soul! - happens to favour those very people that introduced the laws in the first place.Evading tax laws has nothing to do with whether you can claim them to be fair or not, JD.
If I was that rich, I’d not be moaning about them and neither would you! You take full advantage of tax avoidance at your level of wealth so why moan at others who are fortunate enough to be wealthier?Great to see that nobody has anything sensible to say, to defend deliberately unfair tax laws.
Evading tax laws has nothing to do with whether you can claim them to be fair or not, JD.
The apologists usually get their comeuppance one way or another...Apologist mottie disagrees with you.
You even disagree with yourself.
Both of you feel the need to make up fantasies to construct your ad-hominem attacks.
Do you claim the tax laws are fair?