No doubt hate crime on the rise.

You have quoted some text and stated its is not in UK Law, I have shown you the relevant law

I quoted filly untruthfully claiming something he falsely said was a law. I invited him to show the paragraph saying it. He didn't, and couldn't, because it isn't.

You have thrown in lots of garbage trying to give the impression that his claim was true. It isn't.

Comparing Jews with Nazis is listed as a hate crime, it is very much against the law

Not in a UK law.
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It doesn't contain the words Jew or Nazi.
Oh dear, MBKs memory is on the blink again.
He must've gone from sniffing yacht varnish to drinking it.
good grief.

JohnD quoted Filly
fillyboy said:
Comparing Jews with Nazis is listed as a hate crime, it is very much against the law

JohnD said:
Not in a UK law.

Motorbiking said:
See sec 19 of the public order act. and the definition

Jimmy/Roy et al said:
That's a submission to the House of Lords from the Commission for Racial Equality.
It isn't the Act.

Motorbiking said: see the Act here it is again. and again.

and then we have this nonsense..
I quoted filly untruthfully claiming something he falsely said was a law. I invited him to show the paragraph saying it. He didn't, and couldn't, because it isn't.

You have thrown in lots of garbage trying to give the impression that his claim was true. It isn't.

Not in a UK law.

hopefully you never find the police searching your social media posts to build a picture of hostility towards jews and comparison of jews to nazis, because the CPS and the police are quite good at using it to demonstrate racially motivated hatred..


A police search of the offender’s home reveals a collection of Nazi memorabilia and a history of antisemitic Facebook posts. Religion is one of the types of hate crime recognised in law. The Nazi memorabilia and the antisemitic social media posts allow us to make a case that the offender was motivated by hostility towards Jews.
Silly motorbiking has tried bluff and bluster to pretend filly's false claim was true.

Now he turns to fantasy and unfounded threats.

Poor fellow seems to be going downhill.

He does have a record of making up untrue "facts" to try to bolster his weak arguments.

Perhaps he wrote it in a Press Release.
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A police search of the offender’s home reveals a collection of Nazi memorabilia and a history of antisemitic Facebook posts. Religion is one of the types of hate crime recognised in law. The Nazi memorabilia and the antisemitic social media posts allow us to make a case that the offender was motivated by hostility towards Jews.
You excluded the preamble to that little quote.
here's the actual extract:
An offender punches an orthodox Jew, they don’t use abusive language or make anyreference to the victim’s appearance.
A police search of the offender’s home reveals a collection of Nazi memorabilia and ahistory of antisemitic Facebook posts.Religion is one of the types of hate crime recognised in law. The Nazi memorabilia andthe antisemitic social media posts allow us to make a case that the offender wasmotivated by hostility towards Jews.
from motorbiking's link.
Let's hope filly is never arrested for punching an Arab.
In the case the crime is assault.

It is aggravated by the racially motivated hatred, that was established by finding antisemitic posts.

We have already established that A person who uses abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is , abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—

(a)he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or
(b)having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.

What possible outcome could there be by comparing Jews with Nazi's other than stirring hatred?

Only the forum idiots could conclude anything else.
If I called you a nazi, would you believe I was bing insulting and/or abusive?
You change your position to suit your argument.

I know words mean things,

Legal text has meaning, words mean things.

But you dismissed that because specific words were not mentioned an Act. Now it doesn't seem to matter, you are inserting a meaning when it suits you.
The position changes according to the law. I know it's a bit complex for you. Did you ever wonder why people who want to be lawyers need to study for quite a bit?

Are you frightened of the question? JohnD is.

If you were a catholic and I wrote a nonsense article stating how pedophilia was imbedded into Catholicism - would you find that insulting to catholics and likely to stir hatred against them?
and still no answer.

I am rarely disappointed that your lack of intelegence knows no limits.
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