How’s this going? Hands up all those that have paid for roaming in the EU?
All hands up!
Now I switch off mobile data on a day-to-day basis. I just switch it on for sat nav, and occasional messaging via whatsapp, internet access, etc. Otherwise all my data up and down load is with wifi.
It's not the call charges that stings, it's the data charges. Sometimes, if you leave data roaming on inadvertently, you don't know it's gobbling up your credit.
I've gone from maybe £10 every two months or so, pre Brexit, to sometimes £30 or more a month.
Sure I could use a goody bag, which I do when I foresee the need, but sometimes it's just not possible to foresee the need.
Other times it's hardly worth going for a local SIM. I now need two phones, one for UK and the other for local SIM cards as and when.
And personal hotspotting is now to be avoided at all costs, well not at all costs. But certainly at reasonable costs.
If you're out of UK for about a month the roaming charges kick in and they're not excluded until you're back in UK for a month.