Oh Rwanda

Yes. I have a back door too. Those that burgled our house however, didn't bother knocking either. They just smashed the glass and came in uninvited. They actually crossed onto my land (across my boundary) via a 4' wall. Your point?

burgled yer house noseall ?

Doubt they caught the burglars either ?

did they pinch yer carpets ? If so that

might give you a clue as to who they were ;)
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Me and a friend Will walked into my Mums back garden. The patio doors where open into the living room and garden shears on the floor. It was November I was confused. Will walked in the back door when it clicked what was happening. We were being burgled. I then walked through the back door.

I found a carving knife on the sofa.. He must have left through the patio doors.

I was a tough little fücker in my early years. Can't bear to think what would have happened if I'd have gone through the patio doors as I would not have let him out.
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Which it also fails to do - whether that be burglars or migrants. So again - what is your point?

So this is why we need to deter them from crossing our borders/ back doors in the first place.

Your point is?
Your point is?
That this was bulls hit...
The EU is the main cause of illegal migration into the UK, because of the EU policy of open borders, it means an illegal migrant only has to get somewhere like Italy and then there is nothing to stop the illegal from travelling across Europe to France.

...and still is bulls hit even after your completely pointless analogies. In fact they have only served to reinforce what I said.
Was you suggesting non that rock up on a beach are dishonest


what makes you think they are more dishonest than the British population?

this is exactly what you right wing supporters use as an argument: the Daily Mail finds one immigrant that is a criminal and paints a picture they all are

same as claiming people on benefits are lazy scroungers
Your back wall is not high enough?
Lol. Alcatraz style walls are not enough to keep determined burglars out.

Your back wall is not high enough?

Sorry to hear about your burglary. Mrs Mottie has always said she would want to move if we were ever burgled.
Thanks Mottie. No dramas, and I'm a pragmatist at heart. It was some years ago now when the sprogs were little. A spate of burglaries in the area. Had some fun with the rozzers when they showed up too. Took the WPC into the sprogs bedroom and she gasped and said I'm so sorry. I said the burglars have not been in here!:mrgreen:
So this is why we need to deter them from crossing our borders/ back doors in the first place

So you don’t want any refugees coming here by boat claiming asylum.

If you don’t believe the UK should take them, then you must believe it is the right of France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Jordan, Turkey…..to not take them either.

So where do you think they should go?
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