Oil prices up yet again.

An English billion is a million millions. Are you really an engineer?
Well, seeing as even I don't earn that much, despite being a paid-up member of an apparently illegal cartel called the Institution of Structural Engineers, I get confused with anything beyond mere millions :)
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No, working since 330am, not really that bothered by your extensive use of Google to make yourself a world authority on all things, but thought I'd do a quick calc with my right hand, while doing a steel-framed building with the other. Guess which took priority - hint, not your sum.
Yeah of course you were. Steel framing is all done by software. I've got a customer that constructs them on computer and the software does everything - it even decides on the best type of joint where the structures meet. When it's finished he sends the whole lot to the mill and it all comes back pre-drilled - just like a big Meccano set.

Why do you persist in pretending you are an engineer?
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Yet again, you spout about something that you've seen or read about once and become an instant expert on. Clueless prat.
I've seen it done mate - he explained how he did it. He designs schools in the main. So, as usual, it is you that is the clueless one.

A structural engineer that thinks a billion is 100 million? Don't make me larf.
Just as well you didn't order the concrete on the Channel Tunnel. :LOL: :LOL:
And, of course, you know exactly which software I use. As usual, you have (apparently) "a friend" and you know all there is to know - never used it yourself, wouldn't have a clue how to use it, but that's immaterial in Joe's world.

Run along and play with your trainset now, be a good boy...
Whenever you want your ass kicked - just take on the mighty joe-90.
Yeah of course you were. Steel framing is all done by software. I've got a customer that constructs them on computer and the software does everything - it even decides on the best type of joint where the structures meet. When it's finished he sends the whole lot to the mill and it all comes back pre-drilled - just like a big Meccano set.

Owning a satnav is not the same as doing the knowledge, ask any London cabbie ;)
That's true, they never take you the quick way. All around the houses is the name of the game.
That's a good move mega, You aren't actually saying anything, you aren't actually adding to the discussion, so you drop out as your 'oil expert'(sic) has.
I've just read back through the past half a dozen threads about oil and, other than spouting the same unsubstantiated claptrap, you have posted no facts whatsoever, can't answer any questions you are asked or quote your references and, therefore, play no useful part in the debate ... Everything you have said is the World according to Joe-90.

I, like others, have posted facts earlier in this thread which totally rubbish your claims and you will not debate them because you can't ... You therefore have no credibility and I'm not wasting any further time on you.

Others will realise the same, it's only a matter of time.

The great Joe-90? ... Don't make me laugh ... A legend in your own mind perhaps :rolleyes:

I can't debate with them as they've headed for the hills. Done a runner, done a bunk.

No-one can stand against the Mighty Joe-90.
Thankfully I am. I'll keep an eye on the iceberg whilst you slumber.
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