Oil prices up yet again.

He's heard a bit of mess room gossip which is wrong. He can't even grasp the concept (as you can't). No wonder you are in agreement with him.
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Like ub7rm I have worked in the oil refinery for many years and the problems are above ground and not below it as I have mentioned in my last post it's very very political and complicated. This is not a short term fixed because building refineries take many years to build for operating. Going back when the oil price was low there was no point for oil companies to build them then.
He's heard a bit of mess room gossip which is wrong. He can't even grasp the concept (as you can't). No wonder you are in agreement with him.
:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Is that really the best you can do :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

You've been taken to task by someone with facts not a search engine and he's made you look stupid.

It had to happen.

Let me ask him a question then:

The world uses 87 million barrels of oil each and every day.

How much oil is produced from the Nth Sea each day.

Please answer in millions of barrels.
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Ooooer Joe is getting touchy now, what happened to "take on the great Joe-90 if you dare" :LOL:

All I need to make my week complete is an immigration expert to sort you out on that one ;)

Let me ask him a question then:

The world uses 87 million barrels of oil each and every day.

How much oil is produced from the Nth Sea each day.

Please answer in millions of barrels.
He may actually be back on his oil rig ... He is an expert in the field after all.

Gives you more time to think about how you could answer his questions.

Yes. He's back peeling potatoes but that's what a cook does,
And you're sat in front of a computer Googling and quoting Wikipedia as factual references ... That's what a prat does :LOL:

Where do you get your info? Were you born with it? You are looking mighty silly.
Errrmmmm ... Joe-90 Wrote:
Read this without bias and you'll get the gist of it ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_oil
In the silly stakes you're topping the bill at the moment :cool:

I thought I'd play your game and see what I could find if I go Googling without bias ... Loads of stuff about new oil discoveries and reserves just as the poster earlier said.

Here's just one of them ...

July 9th, 2008

The U.S. Geological Survey just published its official results of a groundbreaking study.

Its report confirmed a massive oil reserve in an area the locals have nicknamed the "Bakken," which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan.

The new USGS study estimates a whopping 3.65 billion barrels of oil in the Bakken... but here's what they didn't mention:

The reported 3.65 billion barrels of oil mean estimate is for 'undiscovered' oil only, and doesn't include known oil, such as reserves.

In fact, the study reports a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered... compared to the agency's estimate back in 1995.

Discovered over 50 years ago, the Bakken deposit--once impossible to extract--is now being hailed as the single largest oil find in US history.

That's because, today, thanks to breakthrough drilling techniques like horizontal drilling, the Bakken's oil shales can be extracted relatively cheaply.

When that happens, this light, sweet oil will cost Americans just $16 per barrel!

The next oil boom is already upon us.

And, considering that oil prices are likely to remain above $100 a barrel, the time for shock is over. Investors are now faced with an unprecedented opportunity to play the U.S. and Canada's new hottest oil stocks... several of which are poised to make 300% gains during 2008.

To get the full details on the Bakken and the leading stocks behind it--before the story goes mainstream--simply sign up for the free Energy and Capital e-Letter, a daily advisory on the fast-moving profits in the energy stock sector, written and edited by energy and natural resources investing experts Chris Nelder and Keith Kohl.

Amazing what diversity you can Google if you keep an open mind :rolleyes:

Can't wait for this new oil boom. In fact let's sign up and invest like they want us to. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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