To those who quote when confronted with anti immigration points of view state we are all immigrants, vikings, normans etc miss the point that on the whole this happened a long time ago the people involved weren't to dis-similar to the pertaining culture and the overall effect wasn't as instant as that which the white indiginous population has been told to accept over the last 30-35 years. In fact we haven't been told never mind asked its all been done very quietly and by slight of hand so hopefully no one would notice, (right 1 in 6 of the population has changed colour) well we've noticed and we want something done about the problem NOW.
The white population has been cowed by the law,careful what you think never mind say, and the ultimate label of condemnation, being called a RACIST. Far worse than being a child molester or wife beater.
I personally haven't a problem with Polish people coming here to work, their culture, religion etc aren't far removed from the native population, its not Polish catholics blowing up the tube, and they tend mainly to go home eventually.
To those who say been on holiday with the Brits and say what scum they are, yes alot are. Thats because they have been let of the leash with no fear of the law or consquences for their actions, the law has been watered down by the same champagne socialists who let all the immigrants in.
These socialists lives are insulated by the large salaries they pay themselves, their kids and relatives, £80000 per year for a 3 day week, chairperson of the charities commission. Throw into the pot the lovies running the BBC, black broadcasting corporation, pushing their rainbow Britain propaganda at every opportunity also picking up 3 times more than the prime minister.The influx of immigrants doesn't effect them personally, and home help and nannies are so much more reasonable.
And plumbers are overpaid!
Wonder what their attitude will be when their privately educated, pampered, spolit off spring have to start competing for these nice jobs with muslim girls with the same qualifications, knowledge of equality and human rights.( In this country, same rules don't apply in muslim run countries)
Be too late then.
By the way how will your kids or grandkids make a living?