Overcrowded Britain

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
  • Start date
Such a shame really. I've got nothing against helping those who really are at risk of persecution, pain and death. Nor am I against a country evolving it's values and culture through a controlled and appropriate rate of immigration.

I can't help but think that the rate of change for the UK is far far too big and is increasing public unrest, jealousies etc; especially as there seems to be very little effort for immigrants to make attempt to assimilate and instead demand that the majority bend over backwards to accommodate them.

The real problem though, IMO, is from global population growth.
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I would say "integrate" instead of "assimilate". Very few individuals would like to be assimilated. From all the foreign nationals I know, those from Europe integrate quite well. It does not include the gipsies (roma) - the majority of them simply don't integrate anywhere. On the other hand there are people who were born here but still don't integrate, like the religious adviser mentioned in the article.
There used to be less than 100000 people from the u.k, includes military, running India during the Raj, that can hardly equate with the 6 million muslims we have here never mind their hindu brethern. Throw the black numbers into the pot, london has a 500000 Somalian community (how!!! who invited them here), allow for higher birth rates and one man one vote, after all we live in a democracy (remember voting whether to allow all these people in) and soon sharia law will prevail, bumping heads eastwards several times aday will be compulsary, dont comply get ready for a stoning.
We are supposedly going to have a referendum soon on methods of voting, so the smaller parties get a say, like italy for instance where everything works so well, if we can vote on one question then we can vote on several, how about repatriation for instance. If we can find 70 billion to bail out bankers we should be able to find money to buy this country back. Compensation payable for 6 months and back from whence you, your pappy or grandpappy came from. After 6 months no money but you still leave. If we need skills from abroad they come on a fixed contract and go back at the end. We investigate why we don't have these home grown skills and train our own people to do them. Perhaps the unis could produce some useful graduates other than media studies and sociology.
And more importantly i will still be allowed to have bacon butties with a pint.
IMHO - there is nothing bad to keep your ethnic culture alive, to follow the cultural traditions, etc. as far as they don't clash with anything else, like work responsibilities, dress code, or the traditional culture of the country where you live. In my previous place of work, some colleagues from muslim countries avoided any appointments on Fridays, as they had to go to the mosque. One of them refused to attend an important dinner with project partners from several countries because his religion doesn't allow him to sit at the same table with people drinking alcohol. Such behavior is offending and shouldn't be tolerated - if you can't do your work in the required way because of your religion, perhaps it is better to live in the country where the majority follows the same religious rules.
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Total garbage. So being British, is just about a passport then? You are deluded.

unless you mean rampant alcoholism,x factor and football

Your nationality is british, your culture is what ever your ethnicity is
English (albeit a hodge podge of random races) welsh, scottish etc

simply by holding a uk passport you are BRITISH

you don't have to be an alcoholic racist as well

Al I can say about this case is the illegal immigrant must have been f****n blind. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
To those who quote when confronted with anti immigration points of view state we are all immigrants, vikings, normans etc miss the point that on the whole this happened a long time ago the people involved weren't to dis-similar to the pertaining culture and the overall effect wasn't as instant as that which the white indiginous population has been told to accept over the last 30-35 years. In fact we haven't been told never mind asked its all been done very quietly and by slight of hand so hopefully no one would notice, (right 1 in 6 of the population has changed colour) well we've noticed and we want something done about the problem NOW.
The white population has been cowed by the law,careful what you think never mind say, and the ultimate label of condemnation, being called a RACIST. Far worse than being a child molester or wife beater.
I personally haven't a problem with Polish people coming here to work, their culture, religion etc aren't far removed from the native population, its not Polish catholics blowing up the tube, and they tend mainly to go home eventually.
To those who say been on holiday with the Brits and say what scum they are, yes alot are. Thats because they have been let of the leash with no fear of the law or consquences for their actions, the law has been watered down by the same champagne socialists who let all the immigrants in.
These socialists lives are insulated by the large salaries they pay themselves, their kids and relatives, £80000 per year for a 3 day week, chairperson of the charities commission. Throw into the pot the lovies running the BBC, black broadcasting corporation, pushing their rainbow Britain propaganda at every opportunity also picking up 3 times more than the prime minister.The influx of immigrants doesn't effect them personally, and home help and nannies are so much more reasonable.
And plumbers are overpaid!
Wonder what their attitude will be when their privately educated, pampered, spolit off spring have to start competing for these nice jobs with muslim girls with the same qualifications, knowledge of equality and human rights.( In this country, same rules don't apply in muslim run countries)
Be too late then.
By the way how will your kids or grandkids make a living?

Does appearto be true that the rate of influx seems high, but is it really? As in do the actual figures bear that out?

I ask because you quote a figure of "1 in 6" have "changed colour" and I assume that you have some specific sources of data that back that assertion up; which I would like to read to see what other assertions can be made from this information.
@ hi1, Although I agree with what you are saying, I must disagree with the Polish people statement. I worked at one place where several Polish people were employed , on the minimum wage. I asked one how he could afford to live here on this. His reply was that he claimed family working tax credit, for a wife and three kids back home in Poland. He said he wasn't married and had no kids either, but due to the lax checks the Inland Revenue made, he could claim this and it was paid into his Polish bank account. He used to go back once every 3 or 4 months and spend the UK taxpayers money back home. I asked him what would happen if HMRC found out about this and was told, he'd go back home and find a job there.
This is only one Polish person I know of doing this. How many more are doing the exact same thing?
@ hi1, Although I agree with what you are saying, I must disagree with the Polish people statement. I worked at one place where several Polish people were employed , on the minimum wage. I asked one how he could afford to live here on this. His reply was that he claimed family working tax credit, for a wife and three kids back home in Poland. He said he wasn't married and had no kids either, but due to the lax checks the Inland Revenue made, he could claim this and it was paid into his Polish bank account. He used to go back once every 3 or 4 months and spend the UK taxpayers money back home. I asked him what would happen if HMRC found out about this and was told, he'd go back home and find a job there.
This is only one Polish person I know of doing this. How many more are doing the exact same thing?

there's a burglar amongst us !!!!! what's the appropriate measure???
I know of a Polish single mother who has never done a legitimate day's tax paying labour since she arrived on these shores and who receives all sorts of benefits. I also know that she has advised a friend of her's back in Poland to come over here since the benefit system over here is ripe for plucking.

She netts more in benefit in a week than I actually earn, plus she does a bit of moonlight cleaning for her neighbours for cash :eek:
I know of a Polish single mother who has never done a legitimate day's tax paying labour since she arrived on these shores and who receives all sorts of benefits. I also know that she has advised a friend of her's back in Poland to come over here since the benefit system over here is ripe for plucking.

She netts more in benefit in a week than I actually earn, plus she does a bit of moonlight cleaning for her neighbours for cash :eek:

kill her... no i mean get her to be your boss... and earn you all the benefits you can...!! it's all a pain to hear whatever, when i have to go to work again tomorrow for most of the sunlight hours, and sit in an artificially lit office... pressing computer keys for 8 hours when illegals and benefits get the freedom to do asthey wish !!!! :evil:
She can afford to smoke about 20 a day too (she gets friends to bring them in cheap from the motherland).
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