Overcrowded Britain

  • Thread starter cumbriahandyman
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If the British people care - why do they keep voting in the same tired governments - all pro Europe?

The bottom line is that big business wants cheap labour - and THAT is why the doors are open to all and sundry.(Ali and Sunni).
The way I feel about it all, is why the hell should I work my nuts off to give Abdul from Pakistan, Usuf from Somalia and Ranjit from India a better life? Is it what our ancestors were working towards when they were making massive sacrifices, weathering the tough times, working 6 days a week for pennies and dying in wars?

This is what I think as well.

But I think the root of the problem is the welfare state here. If they stopped giving benefits to these people they would not come or come in reduced numbers, you would not even need a border force. And even if they insisted on coming here they would have to work in order to eat so they would, one way or the other, be productive.

Also for the ones that say they work hard, it may well be but most of their money is cash in hand and goes back to their countries, ie no tax paid so there is no gain.
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Yes it beats me. Low paid migrant workers pay no tax and send their money abroad while unemployed Brits are paid benefits. So where's the benefit? (to the country?) It'll end in rioting. Maybe not for a decade - but it'll surely come.
This year's census is expected to show children from white families in Birmingham as a minority group

"One reason for the reduction, the report says, is movement out of Birmingham to other areas of the West Midlands and the UK and the continuing immigration of people from Pakistan, African countries and China.

At Chad Vale Primary School, in Edgbaston, pupils speak 20 different languages and a fifth of pupils are white.

Headteacher Robin Haselgrove said Birmingham, as a city, should be proud.

"It has this way of welcoming anyone that comes to the city, it makes them feel cherished and then expects them to contribute to the Birmingham way," he said."

Good old PC comment there, from the headmaster. Only what happens to "the Birmingham way" (whatever that is) when the rest of the brummies move out to be replaced by immigrants?

I've no problem with people coming in and contributing, but when does immigration become assimilation?

I like the fact that in good old Britain, I can go and get my car washed for a fiver from a group of cheery Kosovan immigrants or asylum seekers, who do a nice job, in all weathers, and are happy to work.
I can then go home and get my car dented or radio stolen from a lazy, chav English kid, who has never worked, and lives for free off state handouts in his council flat full of the profits of crime.
why should i try to educate the permanently Dumb

I'd be interested to know what makes you think you're in a position to 'educate' anyone, on a discussion forum. ??????? :rolleyes:

last magic bean last brain cell more like

Of course you can educate on a forum thats the whole point numb nuts!

I come to learn stuff about DIY therefore I am being educated am I not?

West midlands chippy did not know SAUDIS were muslims I told him and now he knows therefore in this point I have educated him.

Do you practice being a F#!#wit or is it natural talent you have
if people doing unskilled jobs had a proper wage there would be no need for people from other countries to come here to work.
But if they paid cleaners in London hotels proper rates then the cost of tourism would rise and visitors would stay away - so the Government turns a blind-eye to the illegal hotel workers. It's corruption on a grand scale.
if people doing unskilled jobs had a proper wage there would be no need for people from other countries to come here to work.

The whole concept of market forces had passed you by then

Business is global and profit based. Why pay someone more when you can get it done for less.

The only way would be to introduce a global minimum wage...........GOOD LUCK getting that sorted
The last government allowed mass immigration into this country and at the same time introduced laws criminalising those who spoke out against immigration. Through this, Labour have divided society into those who feel immigration is necessary and those who feel the UK is being taken for a ride.
Take for example, asylum seekers, As the law stands at the moment, anyone applying for asylum here, can't work for a period of one year (from their arrival) This means they are an immediate drain on the benefits and housing system,(specially when they arrive with an extended family in tow) They are aided in this by the Human Rights Act, They want this, that and the other and are deemed to be entitled to it.

How much better if, they were allowed to actively seek work from day one? That way, at least they would be paying something into the system, by way of taxation and NI etc.
I say the time has come to CLOSE THE DOOR, to these people and alter the rules for those already here. IF you have not paid anything into UK coffers, why on earth should you be entitled to claim as much as you can from it?
to solve the overcrowding kick out all the white chavs and the old racist white VAN men...… you know who you are

And get in anyone who will
1.not over charge
2.turn up....
3 .when they do turn up actually come on time
4. Meet a dead line
5.not bodge it up
6.not drink all your tea and eat all your biscuits
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