You don't seem to concerned that dingbats from foreign countries are allowed to work in the nhs.
thats pretty racist isnt it?
You don't seem to concerned that dingbats from foreign countries are allowed to work in the nhs.
You don't seem to concerned that dingbats from foreign countries are allowed to work in the nhs.
thats pretty racist isnt it?
You don't seem to concerned that dingbats from foreign countries are allowed to work in the nhs.
thats pretty racist isnt it?
Why don't you tell me why you think it racist.
I'm all ears.
Spacecat - what are your thoughts on 10 million Roma Gypsies arriving in the UK?
You don't seem to concerned that dingbats from foreign countries are allowed to work in the nhs.
thats pretty racist isnt it?
Why don't you tell me why you think it racist.
I'm all ears.
Im sorry that you are 'ALL EARS' maybe a nice foreign plastic surgeon can pin them back for you
Its racist because you make generalizations simply based on the fact that these people are 'Foreign' therefore they are dingbats
Not being racist would be if you were concerned with ANY nationality doctor White British or foreign who was dingbat being allowed to work in the NHS.
I dont want any Dingbats working here White british or otherwise.
Also basing an opinion on ONE incident (your alleged problem with the foreign doctor) that happened to you is purile, ignorant and does not stand up to the slightest scrutiny
Based on such stupid arguments anything that happens to YOU becomes fact in your SMALL mind
So if a white man crashes into your car ALL white men are BAD drivers in your twisted logic
A woman dumps you ALL women are b****es and are the same in your twisted logic
You sir are an ASS
Its racist because you make generalizations simply based on the fact that these people are 'Foreign' therefore they are dingbats
Heres another lot on their way[/QUOTE]
Easiest way round that, is to stop them arriving here in the first place. Stop them at the Channel Ports and send them back to the last EU country they were in.
Seems it's OK for other EU countries to deport who ever they want, yet as soon as we even mention deportation, the UK is once again condemned for even thinking about such measures.
About time we pulled out of this European Community, who seek to impose their rules on us, even though they don't abide by the same rules themselves.
Many who come here don't share the same work ethic as us, and apart from taxi driving seem to have little in he way of skills
Spacecat - what are your thoughts on 10 million Roma Gypsies arriving in the UK?
Very unlikely to happen...but if they do i hope they move in next door to you