PV for feed in at the present FIT is far more beneficial to your finances than solar thermal.
PV on a 16panel roof should generate an income of circa 2K per anum,solar thermal might save you 60% of your DHW so roughly less than £ 200PA.
As usual Agile,way off the mark and out of your depth.
I completely agree. We installed the PV as it was a no brainer when compared to the solar hot water financial return. It also meant compeletly overhauling our boiler setup to make it work which at the time wasnt an option (our boiler isnt solar compatible).
As an example on LPG 4x47kg we've only had 2 new bottles since March 3rd when we turned the heating off. We've probably used 3 bottles in 6 months just for DHW.
So the savings would have been less than £150pa.
Whereas PV since May 16 have already generated £400. It's a no brainer with the FIT at it's current rate.
Having said all that we are high elec consumers (dishwasher, tumble dryer etc) so also make extra savings there.
Anyways can we get back my original question:
What happens in the summer with these types of biomass/wood fueled boilers?