Panorama - The Smart Meter mess

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Lost count over the years of reported gas leaks I attended around meter reading estimate time. Where are you smelling it......I'm not but my bill can't be that high I must have a leak ,usually the estimate was under
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How will I be wrong.
And the plugged in monitor is what they say is the thing that will allow people to see what they use as so will be constantly plugged in.

Should they want, or need to watch what they are consuming, minute by minute, then yes they could leave the IHD plugged is and watch it. They quickly lose interest, then move onto watching paint dry. Meanwhile, everyone else, just gets on with their life, knowing when there is cheap energy available and make use of that fact.
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And do I use the word millions or not unusual . Do read what is written and stop making things up .
The question was why are millions in debt and not just a few.

I just requoted your answer was all. Not making anything up at all. It's clear to read what was written
Of course, there is some element of control, or bribe would be more accurate - a bribe, to encourage you to consume, when the energy is more plentiful, and deter your use, when there is less available. Isn't that how most supply and demand works?
Its a bribe for now but sooner or later it will turn a 360 so it wont be a bribe to encourage you to consume, when the energy is more plentiful but it will turn to be extremely expensive when the gov does not want you to use it.
Free stuff - low rates are all a con to get everyone on to them "its for your benefit" in 1986, US President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” still holds true today.
Just like get people into EV cars with zero tax then when there is a certain amount of people invested into the idea - whack them with the tax. Encourage people to buy diesels then hike up the tax and fuel. -
Its a bribe for now but sooner or later it will turn a 360 so it wont be a bribe to encourage you to consume, when the energy is more plentiful but it will turn to be extremely expensive when the gov does not want you to use it.
Free stuff - low rates are all a con to get everyone on to them "its for your benefit" in 1986, US President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” still holds true today.

They can hike the cost, whether or not you have SM's, so that is a false argument.
Again, subject to guidelines.
And nothing like the disvconnection guidlines Y You get asked to pay what you owe if you refuse they don't allow you to continue running up a debt .it gets swapped remotely no visit required and percentage of your debt taken back each week. Then up to cust to keep gas on
or so called "self disconnection" - when they remotely switch a person to Pre-pay and they can't pre-pay.
There is no real difference.... A dumb meter provided consumption readings, a smart, not able to report in, also provides readings.

The program, seemed to mainly based on the number of smart meter installed, which were simply unable to automatically report their readings, due to communication issues. There was nothing to stop people simply reading the smart meters, and sending the readings in, as the used to have to do.

I was an early adopter, never any comms issues, the only issues I've had are when swapping suppliers, and entirely due to the mess the government caused, when they rushed into this.
Hi H,
Personally, I don't like the constant monitoring of what I do, including power usage.
Don't think people realise the disregard some have for paying energy bills . I was part of the project back in early 90s for the original prepay

card meters when gas was relatively cheap the first 500 we fitted in one town no one owed less than 1500 quid and was taken back at £2.50 a week. Next 500 was a grand. Mental amount of money country wide was owed.
Hi H,
Personally, I don't like the constant monitoring of what I do, including power usage.

Why? They monitor it anyway, even if you have a dumb meter - they just have much courser data on your consumption. Who cares whether they know exactly when you cook your dinner, and do your wash and dry - not me ;)
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