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eu history.
You must spend hours and hours moaning and bleating about "govenment this" or "immigration that" or "muslim the other" and all you can come up in mitigation is eu history.

Did I say as thick as bread pudding? Gonna have to think of a more suitable simile me thinks.
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"Rupert Murdoch has been strongly criticised after tweeting that “most Muslims” – even if peaceful – must be held responsible for the religion’s “growing jihadist cancer” in the wake of the terror attacks in France"

Spot on.
The lefty brigade will get themselves in a right pickle over that one.

So let me understand the logic:

I'm a white English bloke therefore any crimes committed by white English blokes are somehow my responsibility.

What a load of b*llocks

I'm surprised you don't feel guilty about all the horrors created by the english empire that stretched across the globe.
eu history.
You must spend hours and hours moaning and bleating about "govenment this" or "immigration that" or "muslim the other" and all you can come up in mitigation is eu history.

Did I say as thick as bread pudding? Gonna have to think of a more suitable simile me thinks.

I can come up with a lot more but don't have the time nor inclination to share it with idiots like you who live in a little cocooned world full of utopia.
I can come up with a lot more but don't have the time nor inclination to share it with idiots like you who live in a little cocooned world full of utopia.
Embarrassingly weak cop-out Norcs.

Go on, make your fellow thanker buddies proud and come up with a proper "Norcon Corker".


Please with bells on?? :LOL:

They must cringe when you type! :LOL: :LOL:
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Norcon you really do post a load of b*llocks

Before you post again try looking up the meaning of:

a) non sequitur

b) post hoc ergo propter hoc
I can come up with a lot more but don't have the time nor inclination to share it with idiots like you who live in a little cocooned world full of utopia.
Embarrassingly weak cop-out Norcs.

Go on, make your fellow thanker buddies proud and come up with a proper "Norcon Corker".


Please with bells on?? :LOL:

They must cringe when you type! :LOL: :LOL:

No answer to this then...

Things are being done on our behalf?
Like open borders you mean?
Talk about weak cop outs. :LOL:
Paris shootings: British hate preacher's sermon 'driving force' behind UK terror attacks

British hate preacher Mizanur Rahman’s sick sermon backing jihadists hours after the Paris bloodbath could be a driving force for further killings, an expert has warned.

In a speech to a London audience, and streamed online to thousands of followers, Rahman ranted “Britain is the enemy of Islam” and defended the slaughter of the 12 Charlie Hebdo victims.

He later said: “Insulting Islam... they can’t expect a different result.”

And one of his most loyal British disciples, London chef Abdullah Zobear, warned anyone who followed the slain Charlie Hebdo cartoonists by disrespecting Islam should face “the same consequence”.

Sounds like hate speech to me, will he be arrested?[/QUOTE]

Will he b***ery.

The powers-that-be just ignore this sort of thing and allow such incitement to violence to continue, and anyone who complains publicly about them finds themselves arrested. How complicit can you get?

Are they too stupid to see that allowing this is only going to encourage more terrorist attacks?

As I said earlier, people who preach violence (muslim or not) should be instantly deported. We don't need them here.

Obviously, forum members seem to be polarising into two distinct groups on this matter. I'd love to hear a response from Nosey's group to explain their reasons for supporting muslim hate preachers! (They won't!)
"Rupert Murdoch has been strongly criticised after tweeting that “most Muslims” – even if peaceful – must be held responsible for the religion’s “growing jihadist cancer” in the wake of the terror attacks in France"

Spot on.
The lefty brigade will get themselves in a right pickle over that one.

Like to see 'Do Nothing Nausey' make charges of being a 'clueless f uckwit' and 'thick as bread pudding' stick against Rupert Murdoch. :rolleyes:
So, I ask you and your bezzies once again. If knee jerk reactions are not the answer, What is? How long would you let the situation go on before you decided to do something about it and what would you do?

Nothing I suspect. :rolleyes:
Things are being done on our behalf. We live in a democracy whereby we elect people of power to see to it that we have people dealing with terrorism.

Good joke nausey. :LOL:

Get the same ones who let all the terrorists into the country/Europe in the first place to sort it all out. :rolleyes:

Democracy? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

If there was any democracy, there wouldn't be any uncontrolled, mass immigration. And as a result, little or no terrorism problem.

And you call me clueless. You're about as sharp as a marble, mate.
Jockscott. You are a blithering idiot, astoundingly so.

I don't suppose you would like to explain how you managed to work that out as a possibility?
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