
24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Having failed to stitch up the Hamiltons, some real crime goes by the board .. no cameras or media I suppose !!
Dognappers defy 'powerless' police for ransom payments
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:............ Link here
Blimey, if this is true, then there is a real problem brewing here.
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crap, theres plenty of offences they could be done for. it just depends wether individual forces chose to do anything about it. personally id twist the balls off of any arsehole that did it (can you tell im an animal lover?)
anyone touches my cat and theyll regret it. possibly when there in a ring with a very large, hungry cat.
They would soon realise they made a bad move if they took me jack russell. :LOL: :eek: :mrgreen:
Thing is this happens when travellers are about and police dont wont to upset prescott. Afraid action will only get taken when queens corgi or bliars cat gets napped.
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Freddie said:
touch my dogs and i will **** tear you wifes head off then rip the skin from your wifes face and then set fire to her----------get the message??????????????????????????????????
Yep i think we've all got the message freddie! :eek:
Slighty off topic here but has anyone heard of anyone attacking the burglar in their own home since the law allowing it I think?
masona said:
Slighty off topic here but has anyone heard of anyone attacking the burglar in their own home since the law allowing it I think?
I've nothing against "reasonable force" but freddie's suggestion is questionable. ;)
kendor said:
masona said:
Slighty off topic here but has anyone heard of anyone attacking the burglar in their own home since the law allowing it I think?
I've nothing against "reasonable force" but freddie's suggestion is questionable. ;)

Freddie said:
I had to tone it down a bit, and leave out the bit about the kids and the acid bath. :LOL: But if that happened to my 4 mutts i would spend the rest of my days and no expense on those b*****d------just shows you need a lot more police out there on the beat, that would soon stop all that rubbish
Need i say more? You value the kidnapping of animals a higher value than a human beings life, that says a lot about you. :eek:
Freddie said:
kendor said:
Freddie said:
I had to tone it down a bit, and leave out the bit about the kids and the acid bath. :LOL: But if that happened to my 4 mutts i would spend the rest of my days and no expense on those b*****d------just shows you need a lot more police out there on the beat, that would soon stop all that rubbish
Need i say more? You value the kidnapping of animals a higher value than a human beings life, that says a lot about you. :eek:

Maybe Kendor i wouldnt argue that, but i have no kids and my dogs which are all rescue dogs are my kids, which is why these scum prey on people with pets and it is their actions that would swing me into action--------nobody forces them to do it--------anybody who aids them is just as bad----------they all deserve equal treatment when caught.

And at the end of the day are you really saying that someone who enjoys and engages in things such as this is worthy of any pity, they are just scum mate and should be eradicated from existance before they move on to deeper and other crimes maybe against you and yours.
No i'm saying nothing of the sort if guilty of crime they SHOULD be punished and sent to prison, the questioning is the attitude to take things into your own hands and beat up or murder another human being over what some would take as being trivial in comparison.
Dog fighting were animals are ripped to pieces-----illegal for maybe over a hundred years and against the law.

Dog napping---demanding money with menaces---extortion---and the fact that they mug 70 year old ladies in the street to carry out their crimes----all illegal and against the law.

Using children as mediators----seems like Fagin all over again

Drug gangs getting involved now

I think you or who ever thinks that this stuff is trivial ought to go and have a cold shower then get a reality check, because if you think scum who stoop this low in a supposed booming economy with all the money thrown at the welfare state to ensure that down and outs dont have to go down these roads to put food in their mouths, will stop at these crimes, i think you have a big shock coming.

As for useing physical force against them, i anm all for using any force possible against criminals, infact the more force the better, and if that means physical harm to those who harm us then great stuff.

At the moment i would be breaking the law if i went down that road, but i would do that if they come knocking on my door so to speak.

Trivial-- i like that Kendor, boy are you going to put a smile on peoples faces when you come whining on here about some little scroat has done something to you.
Freddie said:
Dog fighting were animals are ripped to pieces-----illegal for maybe over a hundred years and against the law.

Dog napping---demanding money with menaces---extortion---and the fact that they mug 70 year old ladies in the street to carry out their crimes----all illegal and against the law.

Using children as mediators----seems like Fagin all over again

Drug gangs getting involved now

I think you or who ever thinks that this stuff is trivial ought to go and have a cold shower then get a reality check, because if you think scum who stoop this low in a supposed booming economy with all the money thrown at the welfare state to ensure that down and outs dont have to go down these roads to put food in their mouths, will stop at these crimes, i think you have a big shock coming.

As for useing physical force against them, i anm all for using any force possible against criminals, infact the more force the better, and if that means physical harm to those who harm us then great stuff.

At the moment i would be breaking the law if i went down that road, but i would do that if they come knocking on my door so to speak.

Trivial-- i like that Kendor, boy are you going to put a smile on peoples faces when you come whining on here about some little scroat has done something to you.

An d by the way, i dont think that any criminal has any rights or is valued above any animal, and i think criminals come right down the bottom of the ladder at home in the s**t
Hang on freddie you're misquoting me here, by trivial i mean dog napping compared to murder or harm to humans.
As i said before those that commit illegal acts should be punished so i don't see why you seem to think i'm a supporter of these actions??
Stealing a dog is a crime of theft, that alone is a crime against a human, what comes next----dog fighting also a crime------demanding money with menaces----extortion and blackmail both crimea against humans-------mugging again crime against humans-----and involving children in their activities, that alone is a crime whether its punishable i dont know.

If Drug dealers have found they can make money from it, then it shows that it is getting out of hand and needs stamping out

All in all you have a collection of pure s h i t engaging in more vile crime and being as this s h i t is so low i dont think that any society would miss them if in any way they were eradicated before they moved on to producing videos of them beheading pets on national tv unless we gave them money
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