
Igorian said:
Freddie said:
:LOL: read the posts instead of looking for something to nit pick a******e

No, just giving my opinion. A bit like you, but without the need to resort to violence or insults. You just put yourself into the same class as the people you are complaining about.

But that is exactly what i said in my posts but you couldnt be bothered to read them, you just read and see what you wanted to, and you wonder why someone insults you.

Nice that you put someone who types out things on a forum in the same catorgary as a mugger, blackmailer, drugdealer and animal abuser-------its great to know that you get your priorities right
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Freddie said:
But that is exactly what i said in my posts but you couldnt be bothered to read them, you just read and see what you wanted to, and you wonder why someone insults you.

Not sure what that means since I actually quoted from your posts.

Freddie said:
Nice that you put someone who types out things on a forum in the same catorgary as a mugger, blackmailer, drugdealer and animal abuser-------its great to know that you get your priorities right

No, you did that all by yourself.
Freddie said:
Nice that you put someone who types out things on a forum in the same catorgary as a mugger, blackmailer, drugdealer and animal abuser-------its great to know that you get your priorities right

From what you have said yourself you are a potential murderer, so why should you not share a category with the others?
Because the difference between me and them, is i havent committed and wont commit the crime (unless they do it to me ) so i am not guilty of anything except shouting my mouth off or warning people, whereas you pair have already hung drawn and quartered me for simply saying what i think ought to be done------something wrong here i think and amazing how you pick out my threats as apposed to their actions----------is that cowardice??????????
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Read your own posts Freddie. This is the only way anyone on here can make an opinion of you, unless they actually know you.

Freddie said:
touch my dogs and i will **** tear you wifes head off then rip the skin from your wifes face and then set fire to her----------get the message??????????????????????????????????

So, not only do you think it's right to take the law into your own hands, but you would direct your actions against other members of the family, including those not involved? Would that include children as well as the wife?

I agree that it's a crime and should be dealt with, but sinking to their level would just put you in the same category. Apart from maybe making you feel better, would it actually solve anything? Would you then find it acceptable for one of the offenders distant family members, who may also oppose crime, to come and rip your wifes/girlfriends/childs face off for revenge because you have committed a crime?
You harp on about how this is illegal and that is illegal and how you oppose it. Here's another example:;

Freddie said:
I dont think this crime is trivial either, i dont think that any kind of crime is trivial tell you the truth, and yes i have broke the law, but lets get this right----------------

Here you admit to having broken the law. So, by your own admission, you are a criminal. Should we have you erradicated?

Freddie said:
Stealing a pet is theft
Asking for reward for the return is extortion/blackmail
Dog fighting is illegal and cruel
Animal cruelty is also against the law
Mugging old ladies is illegal

When someone decides to feather their nest by crime, then as far as i am concerned they gave up any drights they have as a law abiding citizen, it was their choice, you dont mug an old ladie steal her pet dog and then ask for a reward or you will kill the dog by accident.

The thing with this crime is i love my dogs and if people try to harm them i will harm those people.

So your answer to crime is more crime.

Freddie said:
If the law was effective then we wouldnt have this problem, but we have so me and others will take it upon ourselves to make sure that those scum never do it again-----hurt me and mine and i will definitly hurt you and yours.

Ever thought of training for the Police if you are so passionate. Oh yes, I forgot, you are a criminal and we should pay to have you erradicated.

Freddie said:
I couldnt give a monkies if i got sent down for it, or if it started something else, at least i would have the satisfaction that you arent going to do it again or any of your family.
Another joke I take it.

I agree, the law is less than perfect, but how does my respect for what there is of it make me a coward? You are now just talking drivvel and your persistent insults just make you appear to be an unintelligent thug.
What about that polycarbonate and metal camera then Fredo -- sorted it yet ?
Igorian----all you have done is print what i already have said and i havent disputed any of it, but i have called into question your actions of NOT condemning those who have committed crime but YOU condemn people who say/threaten to do something about it because there isnt enough Police.

I am not unintelligent and i dont talk drivel, it is because people are so helpless now that people have to resort to taking the law into there hands, recent court cases have exposed this and eventually it has bought on conmmon sense and a change in thinking on the basis of intruders in your home, this has sent the right message to intruders, you wallow certainly hasnt and your wallow certainly didnt force the goverment to change its guidelines in this matter, your wallow just encouraged the criminals as it is now.

I will say it again YOU ARE A COWARD, YOU ARE CHICKEN, YOU ARE YELLOW-------------whats more i really now hope that you and yours become a crime victim and it is due that there arent enough Police to do anything about your circumstances, then YOU will have to due something about it or shuffle away into a corner and wallow in self pity.

I am sure the 70 year old woman and the other victims are gratefull for your condemnation and support of what happened to them
pipme said:
What about that polycarbonate and metal camera then Fredo -- sorted it yet ?

Well what i can tell you is the Canon 350d never has had a metal cased body, it always has had a plastic body with internal metal chasis.

The same camera is sold in the States, Europe, and Japan under slightly different names but with exactly the same spec, infact it is sold around the world with exactly the same spec---same camera

I will leave you to make your mind up on the posts in that thread. :LOL:
Freddie said:
Igorian----all you have done is print what i already have said and i havent disputed any of it, but i have called into question your actions of NOT condemning those who have committed crime but YOU condemn people who say/threaten to do something about it because there isnt enough Police.

I am not unintelligent and i dont talk drivel, it is because people are so helpless now that people have to resort to taking the law into there hands, recent court cases have exposed this and eventually it has bought on conmmon sense and a change in thinking on the basis of intruders in your home, this has sent the right message to intruders, you wallow certainly hasnt and your wallow certainly didnt force the goverment to change its guidelines in this matter, your wallow just encouraged the criminals as it is now.

I will say it again YOU ARE A COWARD, YOU ARE CHICKEN, YOU ARE YELLOW-------------whats more i really now hope that you and yours become a crime victim and it is due that there arent enough Police to do anything about your circumstances, then YOU will have to due something about it or shuffle away into a corner and wallow in self pity.

I am sure the 70 year old woman and the other victims are gratefull for your condemnation and support of what happened to them

:LOL: :LOL: Cards and missing aces come to mind.
Igorian said:
Freddie said:
Igorian----all you have done is print what i already have said and i havent disputed any of it, but i have called into question your actions of NOT condemning those who have committed crime but YOU condemn people who say/threaten to do something about it because there isnt enough Police.

I am not unintelligent and i dont talk drivel, it is because people are so helpless now that people have to resort to taking the law into there hands, recent court cases have exposed this and eventually it has bought on conmmon sense and a change in thinking on the basis of intruders in your home, this has sent the right message to intruders, you wallow certainly hasnt and your wallow certainly didnt force the goverment to change its guidelines in this matter, your wallow just encouraged the criminals as it is now.

I will say it again YOU ARE A COWARD, YOU ARE CHICKEN, YOU ARE YELLOW-------------whats more i really now hope that you and yours become a crime victim and it is due that there arent enough Police to do anything about your circumstances, then YOU will have to due something about it or shuffle away into a corner and wallow in self pity.

I am sure the 70 year old woman and the other victims are gratefull for your condemnation and support of what happened to them

:LOL: :LOL: Cards and missing aces come to mind.

Oh really, still nothing constuctive and try to laugh it off lets see-----

Granny Igorian walking down the street, the local drug gang on the prowl for some easy cash spot granny Igorian, swoop down give her a good kicking and snatch her little bowser aswell as her handbag.

Battered granny Igorian arrives at sonny Igorians house and tells the sad tale-------just then a knock at the door and the little drug runner delivers a message saying give us a grand or we will rip your dog apart------big bold Igorian puffs out his chest and speeds at 29mph down to the local cop shop and demands as he is a tax payer to see the chief superintendant who just happens to be passing, he listens to big bold Igorian and then informs him that because his budget for the year is already spent on protecting politicians from egg throwers and safe gaurding illegal traveller camps as well as insuring that illegal immigrants get to their hide outs safely he has no money and cant spare any police to look into granny Igorians mugging and she may as well give the remainder of her life savings to the local drugdealer or just kiss goodbye to bowser.

Big bold Igorian assures granny Igorian that little Bowser wont feel a thing and the local drug dealer wont bother her again because she no longer has her only descent companion in life as her son turned out to be a complete waster because he accepts that life in his area to day is dictated to him by thieving low life scum and that we all must accept it.

What a big brave man Igorian is and doesnt he make you proud to be British, thank god he's not my dad
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