
kendor said:
Hang on freddie you're misquoting me here, by trivial i mean dog napping compared to murder or harm to humans.

I think you would have to agree that if people are willing to spend tens of thousands of pounds on recovery of a pet or threaten extreme violence towards the perpetrators, then it is far from trivial in their eyes.
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If anyone stole our 11wk old labbie they would soon return her, after she had chewed up everything they own. :LOL:

It is a serious problem though and if you listen to people it is the diddy community that allegedly carry out these crimes. A neighbour is a dog trainer and told us of someone she knows who had their dog taken and the dogknappers claimed they had cut some of the animals toes off to keep it from running away. When the owner didn't pay up the dog was abandoned, in good health thankfully. All this for a few pounds. :evil:
petewood said:
kendor said:
Hang on freddie you're misquoting me here, by trivial i mean dog napping compared to murder or harm to humans.

I think you would have to agree that if people are willing to spend tens of thousands of pounds on recovery of a pet or threaten extreme violence towards the perpetrators, then it is far from trivial in their eyes.
that's my point petewood, it's that revenge attitude where rational thinking is blurred where perceptions of what value to put on life is diminished.
kendor said:
petewood said:
kendor said:
Hang on freddie you're misquoting me here, by trivial i mean dog napping compared to murder or harm to humans.

I think you would have to agree that if people are willing to spend tens of thousands of pounds on recovery of a pet or threaten extreme violence towards the perpetrators, then it is far from trivial in their eyes.
that's my point petewood, it's that revenge attitude where rational thinking is blurred where perceptions of what value to put on life is diminished.

But that arguement does not apply to the huge sums spent on recovery. All I am saying is that I don't think this is a trivial crime, and I an not even a pet-owner.
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petewood said:
But that arguement does not apply to the huge sums spent on recovery. All I am saying is that I don't think this is a trivial crime, and I an not even a pet-owner.
No you're missing my point what i am saying is not that the crime itself is trivial but that the minds of some thinking that to harm another human being or even as suggested kill someone over the act of napping is looking on life as trivial.
These person/s are so incensed that it blinds their judgement that they are willing to take the law into their own hands and i'd hate to be wrongly accused by someone like that in confrontation as i'm sure no amount of pleading would suffice, a sort of hit first ask questions later mentality i suppose.
I dont think this crime is trivial either, i dont think that any kind of crime is trivial tell you the truth, and yes i have broke the law, but lets get this right----------------

Stealing a pet is theft
Asking for reward for the return is extortion/blackmail
Dog fighting is illegal and cruel
Animal cruelty is also against the law
Mugging old ladies is illegal

When someone decides to feather their nest by crime, then as far as i am concerned they gave up any drights they have as a law abiding citizen, it was their choice, you dont mug an old ladie steal her pet dog and then ask for a reward or you will kill the dog by accident.

The thing with this crime is i love my dogs and if people try to harm them i will harm those people.

If the law was effective then we wouldnt have this problem, but we have so me and others will take it upon ourselves to make sure that those scum never do it again-----hurt me and mine and i will definitly hurt you and yours.

I dont care that you think i am over the top Kendor or anybody else, but beware you would never here me coming but you would regret the day you thought you were oh so clever.

I couldnt give a monkies if i got sent down for it, or if it started something else, at least i would have the satisfaction that you arent going to do it again or any of your family.

It is at the end of the day by all evidence shown that it is only a minority who are criminals lock them up permanantly or eradicate them and you will stop 90% of all crime.
Freddie said:
but beware you would never here me coming but you would regret the day you thought you were oh so clever.
Shouldn't you follow this line up with an evil laugh?
petewood said:
Freddie said:
but beware you would never here me coming but you would regret the day you thought you were oh so clever.
Shouldn't you follow this line up with an evil laugh?


Nobodies touched my mutts yet, and i hope they never will.

But i feel like this and i would hunt the scum down and seek revenge, what gets me is Kendor and the like pandering to the s h i t of society, making excuses and trying to justify how bad or worse one thing is or another, its peoples attitudes like his that gives the s h i t the green light and go ahead.

Sick to death with nampy pampy people who pussyfoot around trying to be so bloody pc all the time.

Kendor of course i would make sure you were the right person first, afterall i wouldnt want to have to do the whole thing over again would i :LOL:
Freddie said:
But i feel like this and i would hunt the scum down and seek revenge, what gets me is Kendor and the like pandering to the s h i t of society, making excuses and trying to justify how bad or worse one thing is or another, its peoples attitudes like his that gives the s h i t the green light and go ahead.
i'm not pandering to the criminals?? never have done i've always said criminals SHOULD be punished. what worries me is someone like yourself getting so worked up that you consider a human life as so trivial.
Kendor in the nicest possible way look------------

Through your words earlier that is music to a crims ears, any sign of doubt is just what they want to hear, and you give it them.

I dont think human life is trivial, i certainly dont think that an animals life is either, infact the only place it says it is less valued than a human life is in religion.

I certainly never think a criminals life is worth anything, and i certainly wouldnt put it above any animal incuding things like vermin.

OK we all go off the rails from time to time, but to make a living and a carreer out of crime and to stoop as low as what they doing now--------forget it, there is a time when enough is enough and the gloves have to come off and sort it out.

Either get a hell of a lot more Police on the street or more and more people will take it upon theirselves to rid the place of this scum, even if it means paying other people to do it.

If you think that these scum are worth spending time and money on then you have the answer put your money where your mouth is and YOU spend your time and money on them, dont expect other people to have to go to work and pay for all the low life of society.

Oh and by the way i am not worked up, i would be if i had to have dealings with them, but its just my personal view.
Freddie said:
touch my dogs and i will **** tear you wifes head off then rip the skin from your wifes face and then set fire to her----------get the message??????????????????????????????????

Freddie said:
certainly never think a criminals life is worth anything, and i certainly wouldnt put it above any animal incuding things like vermin.

A bit of a contradiction don't you think. By doing the former, you yourself become a criminal.
:LOL: read the posts instead of looking for something to nit pick arsehole
On the subject of violence did any of you watch the Trevor Mc Donald show on violent crime, on ITV tonight?

Really sad the OTT violence being used these days in the course of crime, I thought the 78 year old man, beaten up, stabbed several times, including on his face, then robbed, all in his own house in front of his frightened wife, was disgusting. If the three evil men responsible were ever caught, I would see no problem in them getting the same treatment.

It is unfortunate, but we have tried the pussyfooting approach and it as failed miserably, we desperately need to get a grip on the current violence in society. It is getting to the stage where you can't go for a night out at weekend in many towns and cities.
Freddie said:
:LOL: read the posts instead of looking for something to nit pick a******e

No, just giving my opinion. A bit like you, but without the need to resort to violence or insults. You just put yourself into the same class as the people you are complaining about.
david and julie said:
On the subject of violence did any of you watch the Trevor Mc Donald show on violent crime, on ITV tonight?

Really sad the OTT violence being used these days in the course of crime, I thought the 78 year old man, beaten up, stabbed several times, including on his face, then robbed, all in his own house in front of his frightened wife, was disgusting. If the three evil men responsible were ever caught, I would see no problem in them getting the same treatment.

It is unfortunate, but we have tried the pussyfooting approach and it as failed miserably, we desperately need to get a grip on the current violence in society. It is getting to the stage where you can't go for a night out at weekend in many towns and cities.

Why is it that these people have so much hatred in them that they are able to do such things?
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