Pointless vote?

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31 May 2016
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United Kingdom
Conservatives survive vote as expected- don’t really see the point of expecting turkeys to vote for christmas?

What did corbyn hope to achieve?
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He couldn't have done anything different and certainly no one really believes he'd do it any better.

He saw an opportunity for a power grab right after a wound was opened and went for it.

I never for a moment thought he had a chance. I'd imagine JD was a bit excited about using his new acronym ''STBXPM".

Unfortunately for him it isn't going to be "JC4PM" just yet, if ever.
Conservatives survive vote as expected- don’t really see the point of expecting turkeys to vote for christmas?

What did corbyn hope to achieve?

He did it more to allay the division in his own party.

He's as hard a Brexiter as some on the right.
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Just taken this from the current live BBC article about it:

But Mr Corbyn, who tabled the no confidence motion, said that before any "positive discussions" could take place, the prime minister should rule out a no deal Brexit

I see this as highly unlikely as TM knows the Conversatives would lose or at least turn off quite a lot of potential voters if she did rule out a No Deal Brexit.
I see this as highly unlikely as TM knows the Conversatives would lose or at least turn off quite a lot of potential voters if she did rule out a No Deal Brexit.
Nope, she's now simply just an ERG poodle!

Or she could still be playing a blinder ;)
She could sit that one out for a month and lose a huge chunk of those coffin dodgers.

Still wouldn't be enough unless more 18-24 year olds bothered to vote at all.

There was a narrow margin in the largest voter group (25-49) and (50-64, 65+) were both majority leave. If you halved the two oldest groups, combined them, used the lowest percentage of the two who voted leave (60%) and compared them to the lowest age groups, we'd still be majority leave presuming people voted the same way.

And that's not to say I don't find your sentiment disgraceful or any less ugly than the ones you're quick to point out by anyone else.

Corbyn needs to go let's be honest, he's an absolute god send to the Conservatives because he's a toxic lame duck with **** all chance of ever getting close to number 10. The Jews turned their back on him long ago and I'm inclined to agree with them.
The greatest gift to the Conservative Party from Labour is Corbyn. The greatest gift from the Tory Party to Labour is May.

Why are people hell bent on crashing out of the EU. Not one decent reasoned response. The best Rees Mogg could do was maybe it takes upto 50 years to see a benefit.

Why are so many so poorly informed.
Why are so many so poorly informed.

You don't have anything concrete to suggest they are, only your bias that wont see past anyone elses reasoning. You presume because someone would be willing to sacrafice the stability we know for (up to, possibly) 50 years is the same as being misinformed about their choice to do so.

In the same way people more likely to vote remain also had a higher chance of being educated beyond a college diploma. The bias in those people automatically jumps to 'we're more educated and have a better understanding', not what would be more logical, 'we have fewer people to compete with in the labour market and have greater social mobility within the current situation'.
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