Pointless vote?

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That's an interesting point.

you mean, like voting for something when nobody knew what it would be?
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I think most of the 52% including me voted against something they had observed (no control over our laws or borders) but didn’t like.
When you decide to start on a journey, there's a lot to be said for knowing your destination.

But if you're the sort of person who doesn't know what "no control" means, perhaps it's beyond you.
With 230,000 inhabitants, they could hardly have voted to bail out the banks.
340,000 actually, but hey what's a 33% error when trying to put forward an argument :)

But at least they were given the opportunity to vote as to whether they should shoulder the burden or not...

Or do you believe that they should have been dictated to like we have been in the UK?

I’ve been there a few times it’s very expensive, an overrated tourist trap and due to the light a bit dull/grim most days.
I guess then that you don't make that much of an effort to look for the positives, or indeed make an effort to see the areas which aren't a 'tourist trap'!

Plus you must choose a state approved name when you have kids.
An ever changing list, but given that protection of their language is paramount the only real proviso is that a name can be declined grammatically...

But talking about 'choosing a name'...

Imagine a nation that doesn't expect a woman to take their husband's surname like a chattel, as opposed to the tradition that the vast majority of women do in the UK...

Which approach is more backward?
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That nation is the UK.
Ah, the old semantics game that you love to play whilst as always ignoring the point...

You do love losing don't you!

But hey, carry on with your b ollox if it makes you happy (y)
Ah, the old semantics game that you love to play whilst as always ignoring the point...

You do love losing don't you!

But hey, carry on with your b ollox if it makes you happy (y)

Please do provide the link where UK women are 'expected to take the mans surname'

?..........oh thats right, there isnt one Ellal just made it up.
When you decide to start on a journey, there's a lot to be said for knowing your destination.

But if you're the sort of person who doesn't know what "no control" means, perhaps it's beyond you.
Sometimes ,,its not about the destination,,its the journey,safe in the knowledge you have left the sh..e of EU behind
Please do provide the link where UK women are 'expected to take the mans surname'
Expected: to look forward to; regard as likely to happen.

The majority of british women still expect to take their husband's name, and the majority of British men expect their wives to do so...

As usual you need to quit whilst you're behind, notchy...

Although on a personal note I'm quite enjoying seeing you make a total prat of yourself - yet again (y)
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