Pointless vote?

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So you think that it could be a reasoned, knowledge-based, intelligent choice to make those "sacrifices"?

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It's not "bias" - it is an evident truth.

The more intelligent a person was, the better educated they were, the more they were likely to vote Remain.

And the converse is also true.

You may not like it, but that's the way it is.
If remain voters are more intelligent how come you voted remain.??
You don't have anything concrete to suggest they are, only your bias that wont see past anyone elses reasoning. You presume because someone would be willing to sacrafice the stability we know for (up to, possibly) 50 years is the same as being misinformed about their choice to do so.

In the same way people more likely to vote remain also had a higher chance of being educated beyond a college diploma. The bias in those people automatically jumps to 'we're more educated and have a better understanding', not what would be more logical, 'we have fewer people to compete with in the labour market and have greater social mobility within the current situation'.

So tell me who would take the offer of an undefined but not guaranteed benefit that has a timescale of upto 50 years? What possible reasoning is there?

Education is a strong predictor but not the sole determinant.

Your second point makes no sense. If someone doesn't have enough information then they have two logical choices - to not vote or to vote remain and then revisit the question when they have more data.

If I have insufficient data to make a reasoned decision then I will try to delay the decision until I get more information or if that is not possible then to make a contingency plan.
So tell me who would take the offer of an undefined but not guaranteed benefit that has a timescale of upto 50 years? What possible reasoning is there?

Education is a strong predictor but not the sole determinant.

Your second point makes no sense. If someone doesn't have enough information then they have two logical choices - to not vote or to vote remain and then revisit the question when they have more data.

If I have insufficient data to make a reasoned decision then I will try to delay the decision until I get more information or if that is not possible then to make a contingency plan.

Again, it comes back to cognitive bias, you're not seeing any alternative could be possible because you are biased against such a possibility or outcome. Not everyone sees things the same way as you do. Not everyone needs to have a range of variables considered to make a decision. For some people a single issue is enough to swing their vote.

Your second point makes no sense. If someone doesn't have enough information then they have two logical choices - to not vote or to vote remain and then revisit the question when they have more data.

I'm not sure where I mentioned anything about data available to the person. I mentioned the likelihood of someones choice based on their education. You said "Why are so many so poorly informed". I said this is your presumption because they didn't vote the way you did, this is evident here:

If someone doesn't have enough information then they have two logical choices - to not vote or to vote remain and then revisit the question when they have more data.

If they don't vote the way I vote they can't be well enough informed to vote. - Cognitive bias.

You like to talk about racism alot, this is very much the same idea. You believe a certain type of person must be of a stereotype for you to believe the premise.
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Conservatives survive vote as expected- don’t really see the point of expecting turkeys to vote for christmas?

What did corbyn hope to achieve?

Well last month 117 tories voted against May being fit enough to run their party but yesterday every last one of them voted to say she was fit to run the country.
Well last month 117 tories voted against May being fit enough to run their party but yesterday every last one of them voted to say she was fit to run the country.
They didn't vote for her because they believe she is fit to run the country, they voted for her because they don't want a Marxist in Downing street.
TM is a serial incompetent but compared to the alternatives she will have to suffice until a credible replacement can be found.
This is Ban all sheds in depth argument: 'you are stupid, I am obviously very clever'.
What I said was "Wouldn't it be remarkably stupid to vote for something if you didn't know what it was?"

Was that the case? Did people know what they were voting for?

I'm asking questions, not asserting.
BAS doesn't understand cognitive bias; attempts to prop up his argument with a cartoon; calls anyone who disagrees, stupid.
Do you not accept the evidence which shows the correlation between eduction level and voting tendency?
No deal could work, but not how it’s currently envisioned. It can work IMO by becoming a rogue member and establish everything necessary to leave successfully in a no deal scenario. Effectively breaking many EU rules along the way.

1 cancel a50
2 implement restrictions on free movement in breach
3 negotiating necessary trade deals in breach
4 refusing to pay or submit to fines, courts

Storm before calm negotiation approach.

before anyone says it madness - look at some of the many disputes already in process and the lack of teeth shown. e.g greece, italy, hungry.

rogue states tend to get away with rather a lot and their negotiating strength is high.
Do you not accept the evidence which shows the correlation between eduction level and voting tendency?

Where did I suggest I didn't? I said it myself.

What you're not getting is people in one class will have different priorities to those in others.

Education and level of are irrelevant if your priorities are not the same to begin with.
You don't need a degree to sign an X on a ballot paper.
Politics has nothing to do educational attainment,
Most people vote for those whom they believe will do something for them.
In the case of brexit most remainers voted remain for selfish reasons, one half of the country were enjoying the benefits of cheap labour at the expense of the other half who had to pay the economic and social costs.
If you group people by age then sample the upper 2 quartiles of each set, I bet you don’t get such a clear picture of education level and voting intention.
rogue states tend to get away with rather a lot and their negotiating strength is high.
I'll amend that for you...

States that adopt 'rogue' policies can alter the outcome...

Iceland let their banks crash, but now have a budget surplus and have paid their debts.
(no doubt notchy will try and say that is irrelevant)

But they did it within the EEA, thus retaining legal/financial backup.
(they would have been completely in the brown stuff were it not for an emergency loan from Norway, and weren't able to prove that the UK/Netherlands acted illegally)
What happened to the money gordon brown seized under the anti-terror legislation, which was held by icelandic banks?

Genuine question.
Do you not accept the evidence which shows the correlation between eduction level and voting tendency?
do you have evidence that shows intelligence and voting tendency correlation.

education level is not proof of intelligence or qualification level. Have a look at the percentage of people that do degree courses recently and back in the 60s and 70s.

Education level doesnt necessarily correlate to common sense either......
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