Police officer

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An open and transparent investigation, yes definitely.
And after that it should have been obvious, no prosecution was necessary.

The prosecution was necessary, to confirm him not guilty. Had there been no trial, I suspect there would certainly be another bought of 'black lives matter'.
Are you thinking of another Chris Kaba?

The left are always on the side of scumbags, gangsters and general assorted pond life - especially if they're ethnic. Don't know if they really support them, or just do it to irritate normal sane people who would prefer to life in a safe, law abiding society.
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So you want Police officers to have the power to be judge, Jury and executioner. I think you've been reading too many comics.
What ?

I agree with the investigation if you read my comments.

Where have I said I want the police to be judge and jury ? execution only withing the conditions, previously authorised by "the state" and for full accountability afterwards.

I wish we lived in a world where this wasn't necessary but I've got my eyes open
The left are always on the side of scumbags, gangsters and general assorted pond life - especially if they're ethnic. Don't know if they really support them, or just do it to irritate normal sane people who would prefer to life in a safe, law abiding society.
Where is there anybody on "his side" ?
The prosecution was necessary, to confirm him not guilty. Had there been no trial, I suspect there would certainly be another bought of 'black lives matter'.

2 tier policing is what you are suggesting, who would have thought.

Lets sacrifice this policeman, for PC reasons.
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