This is going to be one of my few posts today 'cos I'm incommunicado for over 24 hours (travelling). Also, please excuse any typo errors 'cos I aint got time to check my typing and I've always evaded the spiel chequer.
So you may have to do some surmising if my mucking fords are wixed up.
So to address a few comments in one post.
BT, re insurance for women, I agree it is dis-advantageous for women, but sometime PA can be disadvantageous for some. I see the holistic result as positive. Although, accepted it's difficult to see a holistic positive result in that example.
Jockscott, a reasonable comment, for once, about PA being divisive. And this also takes into account Brigadier's comment about beneficial to all, question mark.
However, discrimination is divisive. (I'm now using the terms as defined by EHRC, i.e. PA as lawful, and discrimination as illegal. Thus I've completely dropped the term Positive Discrimination, for clarity and less typing)
We've seen the damage that can be done to society when ethnic minorities perceive themselves as being disadvantaged. We can extend that argument to discuss why ethnic minorities should bother to gain skills, education, qualifications, etc, if there is no or little hope of them being able to secure a position.
Thus the lesser or no-skilled positions will be dominated by ethnic minorities.
And the higher, qualified, skilled positions will be dominated by the indigenous population.
Therefore, I see PA as being an inclusive policy, not a divisive policy.
Discrimination is a divisive policy with potential catastrophioc results.
PA may sometimes create a degree of disgruntlement, but not in the same collective direction that discrimination can/will create.
Additionally, to address the Rooney Rule shortcomings.
If we see the football clubs as an organisation, we may see that ethnic moinorities are well repesented, but only in the player category, not in the coach capacity.
We have to look at the bigger picture, as a whole, to see that it's the industry that reflects the poor representation of ethnic minority coaches.
NB, micilin, this is not a contender for the longest post!