speeding fine

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If you and others, find suicide, and brutal death normal, with the plus posts at the bottom of your thread/post, then there is something wrong with society. Who would congratulate death? Oh two people did. Can you justify that? Do you agree with that? Or do you agree with people taking their own lives?

Or similarily, the site agrees, with people agreeing to people taking suicide as an answer, and their member agreeing with it, and other members agreeing with the member that condones it. Surely the site should either ban ME, for pointing it out, or ghoulish members that WANT suicicide and death..

What's next? Live suicides? on webcam? Don't use it if you don't like it, is an old line, but there is always someone, that is a bad apple. I believe I give enough..but others, take the wee...
I was trying not to get too involved in this, but one item in particular mentioned does deserve a comment.
This is because it has been used by Mr Moody in a few threads.

The attempted sucide of his brother, whom was hit by a car. The retrospective injuries are totally blamed on a driver who in reality could have been killed by the falling torso of the attemptee.
Surley the instigator wished as many injuried on himself WITHOUT due reguard for anyone else?

As for the rest of Mr Moody`s life events, unlucky. We all have crosses to bare.

And sucide is accepted in its place ( plenty of info on the net). Dire illness for one, my father wished it, but died sooner than we thought. Saved me carrying out a promise. And breaking the law in this country.

Again your narrow minded, Mr Moody. Too wrapped in yourself, but with plenty to say and if you read some of your last statement totally incorrect in your assumptions.

However this is a forum for discussion, so please do.
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